Townsville Bulletin

Stop punishing achievers


READING Julian Tomlinson’s column ( TB 15/ 3/ 18) reminds me of a quote from Winston Churchill about socialism.

“The philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Other relevant sayings are: “You cannot tax a nation into prosperity.” And: “You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

Sadly, over the years we have had government­s who have engaged in social engineerin­g to suit their own agen- COULD someone please tell me what is happening to the Great Barrier Reef.

Twenty years ago it was doomed because of a hole in the ozone layer.

Later it was the methane from cattle.

Then it was the run- off from the farms using fertiliser­s. Then the crown of thorns starfish. Then the pigs eating the turtle eggs. das. They have created the handout mentality, where achievers are punished and the non- achievers are rewarded through the hard work of others.

We now have a large number of people who will always vote for any government that continues to hand out free stuff, leading to lazy, inept governance.

In short, our government­s are exactly the same as the dole bludgers, taking our money and giving nothing in return except grief. R. GLEDHILL, Townsville

Even a redclaw farm at Julia Creek in north- west Queensland was told it would be affecting the Great Barrier Reef.

Now we have coal from the Adani mine being shipped from Abbot Point.

I wonder when it will be marijuana smoke from Byron Bay. DUNCAN FYSH, A boy from the bush

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