Townsville Bulletin

Palmer’s plan has support


WHILE it is easy to be sceptical, Clive Palmer does seem very serious about reopening his Yabulu nickel refinery.

He claims to have the financial clout to do so and the rise in the price of nickel and the reserves of valuable cobalt in the refinery’s tailings dams make it viable again.

Mr Palmer has often said he would be prepared to reopen the refinery when conditions were right, however few took him seriously.

Yesterday’s statement from Mr Palmer confirms he is serious about moving towards a reopening.

There were indication­s last month he was looking for community support for the proposal when he circulated a flyer to Townsville households via a letterbox drop stating it was important for the region that the refinery reopened as soon as possible.

That coincided with the appearance of billboards around the country featuring Mr Palmer’s image and the message: “Make Australia great again.”

The closure of the refinery had huge impacts on those who lost their jobs in 2016 and the ripple effect was felt throughout the wider North Queensland community.

The impact of about 800 lost jobs are still being felt today. Politician­s and community leaders continue to be hostile toward Mr Palmer.

And it would be reasonable to expect little goodwill toward Mr Palmer from Townsville’s general public.

However, a online poll yesterday found overwhelmi­ng support for Mr Palmer’s plan.

Of the more than 600 respondent­s late yesterday, 70 per cent were in favour and 30 per cent against Mr Palmer reopening the refinery.

While there may be lingering animosity towards Mr Palmer there is clearly an understand­ing of the positive impact on Townsville a reopening of Yabulu could have.

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