Townsville Bulletin

What jobs will be left?


TAKING people’s rights little by little has been a political ploy since the first politician. The reason behind this is that people will not realise until it is too late.

When the first jobs from Telstra went to the Philippine­s, a few people were alarmed. I worked for Telstra at the time, and one of the bosses there said, “we can employ five Filipinos to one Australian”.

Little by little Indian 457 visa holders came over, driving down wages. Little by little Philippine people answered our calls more and more.

While we are focused on things that are taking the headlines, “killing our farming industry”, “killing our mining”, “killing live export”, following the latest Hollywood celebrity, our country has been sold, traded and given away.

Telstra will shed 8000 jobs. The CEO and shareholde­rs will benefit. Million- dollar salaries and good returns.

If the dole is paid to all of these workers, ( if that is $ 300 a week,) that costs our welfare bill $ 2,400,000 a week. Or $ 124,800,000 a year.

But that is not the worst of it. Our economy will not get the new dress, the coffee, the new car, the game, the new television and the new house.

The ripple down effects of this madness will cost us much more than that. If the Greens win, and mining goes, if Labor wins and the farmer goes, if Liberals win and they sell the country, what will be left?

None of these parties are working to ensure our grandchild­ren will have a job, none of these parties are working to protect our heritage, our country, our future, our culture or our jobs. Our rights and our country have been taken little by little. If you are happy with this, then just keep watching it happen. If you want to do something, then vote with your pencil.

It is time for minor parties that are full of ordinary people who have jobs, and real life skills to be given the balance of power to govern. If we vote for the same, the same will happen. DEBRA GIBSON, Pinnacles.

 ?? EATEN AWAY: With every job that the likes of Telstra cut, the effect is felt more widely in the cost to our local economy. Picture: VINNSTOCK ??
EATEN AWAY: With every job that the likes of Telstra cut, the effect is felt more widely in the cost to our local economy. Picture: VINNSTOCK

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