Townsville Bulletin

Records to tumble


AUSTRALIAN Olympic triathlete Courtney Atkinson believes records can tumble at this year’s Townsville Triathlon Festival.

Atkinson was in Townsville yesterday to inspect the Olympic distance course, which runs alongside The Strand, and says when it comes to setting times Townsville is the perfect launch pad.

The annual triathlon festival, now in its 16th year, also acts as a world age group qualifier and attracts world championsh­ips and Olympic hopefuls such as Atkinson, who has competed at previous Townsville festivals.

The 2008 and 2012 Olympian, who won the 2009 men’s ITU World Cup and placed first in four consecutiv­e Australian Junior Triathlon Championsh­ips, will not be setting the pace this year, however.

Atkinson is instead acting as race ambassador for the festival running August 17- 19, and although he will be a spectator, Atkinson said Townsville’s track was custom- made for a record race.

“For me the course is unique in that you’re competing along the beach, and it’s fast and flat too,” he said.

“It’s a great event to get a great time. I won’t be competing this year – I’ll be here as support – but my role these days is not only in Townsville but as a Queensland ambassador.”

There are 11 events scheduled to be held across the three days, including the Olympic distance triathlon and junior races.

Triathlon Australia CEO Miles Stewart said about $ 1.25 million was expected to be injected into the local economy throughout the course of the festival.

“They ( competitor­s) love the course, love the weather and also the ability to do things after the race,” he said. “There’s more than just the event itself up here, so I’m sure people are going to spend a few dollars looking around the city and getting out on the water. It’s a nice boost for the local economy.”

Race director Wayde Chiesa said up to half of this year’s race field could be made up of visiting competitor­s. “About 50 per cent of the 3000 athletes from last year travelled into Townsville,” he said.

“We’re expecting about the same numbers again.”

Go to townsville­trifestiva­l. org. au to register for this year’s Townsville Triathlon Festival.

 ?? AMBASSADOR: Olympic triathlete Courtney Atkinson launches the Townsville Triathlon Festival. Picture: ALIX SWEENEY ??
AMBASSADOR: Olympic triathlete Courtney Atkinson launches the Townsville Triathlon Festival. Picture: ALIX SWEENEY

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