Townsville Bulletin

Veteran MP gives frank tip


READING Senator Ian Macdonald’s frank and seemingly honest words about how the Liberal National Party can win the next election and retain government is refreshing.

He exclusivel­y told the Bulletin that a negative campaign against Labor’s Bill Shorten is the way to win the election.

Negative campaigns against your opponents are not new to politics but it’s not often you hear a politician openly call for it.

Do they work? It seems like they do, and people take notice of them, rightly or wrongly.

The so- called “Mediscare” tactic employed by the ALP made a big difference and became a key part of the last election campaign.

Senator Macdonald admits that a lot of people in his party do not like negative campaignin­g but he says it works and they are employing the tactic in the upcoming by- election in Longman.

There’s no doubt that he makes a good point about this and that it does work on some voters, but it is a fine line that both parties will have to tread.

None of us want to exclusivel­y hear these ads in the long lead- up to an election attacking each other.

Point out your opponent’s weaknesses but do not dwell on them otherwise the public will not think about what you can actually do for them.

Although Senator Macdonald is not out of the Upper House yet and technicall­y could still hold his position, it will be difficult for him.

But reading about his long career and what he has done during that time gives an interestin­g insight into both himself and the Federal Government throughout the years.

Whatever side of politics people sit on, it’s clear that Senator Macdonald has gained a lot of knowledge during almost 40 years in politics at the local and federal levels.

It will be interestin­g to see how much his party listens to him during this election campaign, whenever that may begin.

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