Townsville Bulletin

Servo robbery ends in capture


A SERVICE station attendant was threatened with a spanner during an early morning armed robbery.

The Mobil service station at Bohle was targeted by thieves about 4.50am yesterday, when a man threatened the service station attendant with a ratchet or spanner, demanding money.

The worker handed over a sum of money and the armed bandit fled the scene in a stolen car, which Townsville police district duty officer Acting Senior Sergeant Jonathan Searle said was found dumped in Garbutt soon after.

Four men were seen running from the abandoned car and police quickly set up a cordon in a bid to catch the group.

Debra Gardiner was going about her morning routine when she heard police shouting.

She peered through her bedroom window to see officers, including members of the dog squad, searching for the suspects.

“The police had been chasing ( the suspects) and they ran into my neighbour’s yard, one jumped my fence and escaped,” Ms Gardiner said.

“Two were hiding behind my neighbour’s car and trying to get into her house via the front door.

“One of the suspects had hurt his foot so he couldn’t run and was having a hard time walking.

“The police were searching my neighbour’s property and even under my house for the third guy.”

Ms Gardiner said the police acted swiftly.

Three of the four men were arrested about 6.30am.

Acting Sen- Sgt Searle said three males aged 15, 18 and 20 were in custody but police were still looking for the fourth offender.

Charges haven’t laid against the men. yet been

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