Townsville Bulletin

Fake news call on Anning stand

- DON MORRIS Cranbrook.

AS expected, Queensland Senator Anning has copped a badmouthin­g from all major political parties and their media cohorts, for his attendance at the St Kilda rally in Melbourne last Saturday, whereby concerned voters took to the street to protest mainly against the rapid rise of black African criminal gangs who have been terrorisin­g Melbourne for some time.

Police have been unable to curb the thuggery occurring on Melbourne suburban streets and a rally was convened in St Kilda by concerned citizens as a show of protest against police and government inaction on their lawful concerns.

Police numbers probably reflected an over-reaction by the Government, and a heavyhande­d police approach to the organised rally was predictabl­e.

But at the end of the day I think the rally organisers claimed victory and a visual show of strength for their cause, which from all reports is a just one.

Cast your minds back to the coming of Pauline Hanson to the political stage, and remember the way she was crucified for her views on immigratio­n, by all her political opponents of the day, simply because she dared to upset the cosy political Canberra applecart. The same war will be declared on Senator Anning, only more vehemently.

And while the ethnic vote was auctioned by the major parties then, the next election will see the major parties bending over backwards to appease and buy the ethnic vote, which now unfortunat­ely holds the balance of power in the Australian electorate.

No major party is game to put them offside, at the risk of annihilati­on.

Ignore the barrage of fake news to which we will be bombarded, and make your vote count in the coming federal election.

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