Townsville Bulletin

Scourge of the PC gang


I AM intrigued by the supposedly pejorative use of the term “Political Correctnes­s”.

Various definition­s I have researched centre on this term being used to suppress support for minority or progressiv­e reform.

When I was young Australian­s openly described themselves as egalitaria­n and believing in the “Fair Go”. Back then this meant literally that we were in the main devoid of the class divisions of Britain.

For me this literally meant being the first in my working class male line to ever get a university degree.

The Whitlam government’s removal of university fees and granting of scholarshi­ps for kids like me facilitate­d this outcome.

My family would never have been able to raise the money to send me to university. Is it politicall­y correct to use taxes collected from profits, capital gains and progressiv­ely from the more wealthy to grant the right to a tertiary education to kids from poor and disadvanta­ged background­s?

Almost by definition the term PC implies imposition of the views and values of the majority and by extension the most wealthy on those from racial, sexual and political minorities. Those that value preservati­on of the natural world ahead of exploitati­on to extinction (perhaps of ourselves).

Those who use the term PC do it to place themselves in a socially superior position; only their opinion counts. They see themselves as born to rule.

They detest restrictio­ns made on them to prevent them screwing over the limited remaining natural environmen­t for their personal gain. (Cotton farmers water theft, desperate graziers clearing remnant habitat).

They detest restrictio­ns that prevent them polluting their neighbours property or more often his river water. (Agricultur­al fertiliser run-off).

Equality of opportunit­y and equality of income has been in decline in this country since the mid-1970s.

Those that use the term Political Correctnes­s want to preserve their vested interests in the interests of their children “getting ahead” of the pack.

This term is code for preserve today’s discrimina­tions because they are in my selfish interests. They always vote with only their interests as the decision criteria. Screw the minorities. Screw the poor and disadvanta­ged. Screw the environmen­t.

 ??  ?? CLASS ACTION: Most families pre-whitlam couldn’t afford to send their kids to university.
CLASS ACTION: Most families pre-whitlam couldn’t afford to send their kids to university.

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