Townsville Bulletin

Mayor has it right on low lifes


TOWNSVILLE City Council’s mayor Jenny Hill hasn’t minced her words when it comes to the “dropkicks” who are looting in this city.

Her language has been incredibly strong and she’s warned would-be thieves that they better hope the police catch them before the community does.

Some may criticise her for being inflammato­ry but the fact of the matter is her sentiment is completely reflective of that of residents.

There aren’t words strong enough to describe how low you would have to be to pick over the carcass of our city.

But Cr Hill is correct to call it for what it is.

A hundred litres of diesel was siphoned from a council generator which put numerous Toomulla homes at risk of being flooded by sewage.

We’ve heard reports of stolen cars, small business break-ins and homes targeted. While police officers say the normal numbers of break and enters are down, the fact that anyone could prey on people in this situation is beyond belief.

Emotions are running high, people have been through enough and they just need to feel safe and secure while they try to rebuild.

Police officers deserve a medal for patrolling streets and doorknocki­ng floodaffec­ted communitie­s.

Candidate speaks out

The Federal Government has shown it’s prepared to listen and to act when it comes to shifting the criteria for its disaster relief payments.

And to give credit where credit is due the LNP candidate for Herbert has been vocal with the Prime Minister’s office in communicat­ing what the city needs.

Not only did he openly criticise the Government’s 25 per cent water on the floor rule, which was subsequent­ly eased, yesterday he went in to bat for those whose homes are being destroyed by mould with the department also agreeing to hear from those affected and to consider making the $1000 available to them.

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