Townsville Bulletin

Bad drug suppliers fit only for jail time

- GARTH HARRIGAN, Aitkenvale.

DRUGS. What are they, there are good ones and bad ones?

The good ones are selected for a person who may have a health problem while the bad ones can kill you.

I know what are good ones as I take nine different ones all approved by doctors.

I have been since I was about 70 and I am still alive with the aim to reach 90.

Here the bad drugs are killers as they are not tested and either made in people’s homes or brought in from overseas.

Young people buy these and suppliers make lots of money out of the misery they cause until the police put them before the courts where they get a very poor penalty.

I consider people who take drugs are either stupid or have no brains. Good drugs have kept me going to allow me to have a 60-year marriage gathering with my wife and two children who are doing well in their lives also without bad drugs.

It is up to the Government to set penalties but they are a mob of sooks.

Well the criminals who make and sell bad drugs are only fit for a long stint in jail.

Where a parent who also takes drugs with a partner most likely they’ll have a mentally disturbed sick child.

Unless politician­s accept that and listen to the population this nation will go down the gurgler; the nation we old people worked so hard to make the best in the world.

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