Townsville Bulletin

Helping hand for battlers


THIS weekend the reality of the impact the floods has had and will leave on Townsville was put into stark perspectiv­e.

Streets in the hardest hit suburbs, places like Idalia and Hermit Park, are completely lined with people’s belongings that have been thrown out because they’re beyond salvaging.

It’s a confrontin­g sight for people and just shows how high the water did get in people’s homes.

But the one thing people will have seen is just how many people are out lending a hand in cleaning someone’s house or just out offering support.

In Idalia the streets were full of different people dropping around beer, water or food.

It might not seem like much but it certainly helps people who have lost belongings and had their homes ruined.

For all the devastatio­n of the floods, Townsville will emerge stronger and more connected from this event; clearly there are good people in this city.

Still no one will be hoping it happens again — certainly not for 500 years.

Producers needs support too

Don’t forget about the struggle for people west of Townsville in places like Julia Creek.

Right now it looks like more than 300,000 cattle will die. Station owners have spent years keeping their cattle alive through the drought only to be devastated by flooding.

The floods in Townsville are front and centre of most people’s minds because they’re in suburban areas. These are places that people from down south can easily relate to.

So although it will not get the attention Townsville has, these hard working producers who have been devastated by this event need support.

It’s good to see the Government has immediatel­y offered financial assistance to people impacted and it’s also aware that mental health and support will be just as important in trying to keep these battlers going.

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