Townsville Bulletin



I would like to personally thank Scott Stewart for his assistance throughout the recent flooding in Townsville. He not only kept us in formed along the way but also helped myself and my wife with preparatio­ns of our home. I would also like to acknowledg­e his help in the community. I know for a fact that he has been out helping clean up in other areas. Thanks mate. Your friend Mat Boyd.

Scott Stewart was at my mates place helping to clean on Sunday. I didn’t even know who he was my missus told me after he left. He worked bloody hard. Just because it’s not on Facebook, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Paul, Kirwan

Re: A missed opportunit­y letter yesterday. David how dare you critcise local MPS because you didn’t see them in the media helping out. In actual fact Aaron Harper was out helping others clean up, he visited a Recovery centre in his electorate talking to locals there. Not everything the local MP’S do is for the media/tv. I dare say even if they were in the media/tv you would again criticise them for grandstand­ing. Thank you to Aaron, Coralee, Scott and Cathy for your support and efforts behind the scenes throughout this devastatin­g weather event.

There are a lot of people in Townsville who do appreciate you. Louise, 4814

Now that Townsville has been well and truly flooded does that mean we will get another dam to prevent more of the same and as well as reserve water. Just as a point of interest how many dams are there in Brisbane? This question is directed to Anna P. Jill vale

Right on! Kath, Rasmussen.i have witnessed first hand, third and fourth generation welfare recipients. Wanting this or that.... Geez if I want/ wanted something I work/worked for it. These people have no idea of this concept! Liz 4811

Does anyone else have concerns the design of the Port Access road that crosses the mouth of the Ross River acted as a dam wall intensifyi­ng upstream flooding by slowing the outflow of water into Cleveland Bay? The natural entrance to the Ross River has been significan­tly narrowed. Concerned Annandale Resident

The State Government owns Burdekin dam and water in it. Charged everyone including Townsville for usage. The State Government owns water in Ross River dam and charges for usage. But the Premier says Townsville Council owns the dam. So why the hell are we not charging them for the storage of their water to cover maintenanc­e and repairs to the dam. Also anyone who had damage but no insurance should be covered by the State Government as their water did the damage. GL Condon

Kath Rasmussen, Re : Legend and your comments on his take on handouts : Kath just remember the age pension is something hard earned ,, it’s not a hand out as you may think !!How about get real and do something about the dole and those that do not want to and will never work !! As they will get old and receive the pension also so how are they going to fund their retirement after never working a day in their lives!! Gary Wulguru

After Fridays stupid and ridiculous decision by the NSW judge who stopped a coal mine going ahead because in his decision it will affect climate change ( Biggest Con Out There) his job is to rule on facts and there are no concrete facts that this is true. Just a opinion by so called experts. There are as many saying it’s not happening as there are that say it is. So you can start saying good by to industry in Australia and Mr Adani this decision gives the Labour government a excuse now to bury you. So we will be importing steel soon from guess who?? Countries that burn Coal. So at the end of the day how have we helped slow down this Con all its done is encourage other countries to build Coal Fired Power Stations to sell to dumb countries that closed them down. Glenn4810

Kath Rasmussen, it’s all well & good to say get rid of the Age Pension but not all older people had superannua­tion as it only became compulsory in the 80/90s . Only people with gov. jobs had super & how do the people who have never worked live & they mostly come from the younger generation­s. In times past women gave up their full time jobs when they married to look after families. So are you suggesting we are all just thrown out in the street. R.G. 4814

Kath Rasmussen, You seem to be in the same mind as Joe Hockey, when he was treasurer under then prime minister, Tony Abbott, when he said those immortal words, “The age of entitlemen­t is over.” Whatever happened to compassion? Superannua­tion was only really effective, if you were going to stick at the same job till you retired. Back in the 1950’s and ‘60’s, when I was a taxpayer, there were so many jobs, that hardly anyone stayed in the one job, me included, and super was not compulsory, so like a lot of other workers at that time, I never took out super. The general attitude was, live for today, this was a time of plenty, unfortunat­ely nobody could see into the future, now I wish we could have. D. Bilton w /end

To the older man with the full nazi flag tattooed on his arm at the self-serve Woolworths parkside, Monday AM - my regret is I did not give you a serve myself. Shameful and despicable insigna to be tattooed. Also call out to the people bigger and tougher than I who did not give this man promoting hate and fascism a quick history lesson. Rebecca, kirwan.

Mayor Jenny Hill has led Townsville masterfull­y over the last two weeks. Guests were very touched yesterday, when despite having officially apologised, she made a brief appearance at the launch of the Barrier Reef Orchestra season at The Pier Restaurant on Sunday afternoon. Judy Hunter Aitkenvale

What is about Banks? Greedy, self interested, elitist, disregardi­ng of supporters and totally unprincipl­ed. Much like the “Big Four”really. Bazza Mt Low.

Legend 4814 and Steve Belgian Gardens negative gearing is the use of a loss against income ie. interest, rates, insurance, maintenanc­e etc on one side of the ledger and income generated by rent on the other. Every business can offset running cost against income, if landlords can’t do it then you will see your rent go up to cover costs. Nobody buys property to subsidise the tenants. I don’t understand your line of thought Steve how is it right to tax a self funded retiree twice so that we can pay more to those don’t work. Danny Mount Louisa

To all political parties Federal and State elected or wannabe hopefuls please if you must insist on robo texts. Can you please have a opt out or unsubscrib­e. Not even election time and continuing to get texts from UAP. No way to stop them can’t block them, can’t ring number, can’t contact Brisbane office. The more texts I get the less likely I will vote for your party. Why should I have to change my number to stop annoying political calls and texts!!!! KT Kirwan

The anguish and despair that hundreds if not thousands of Nth Qld residents that have been through this one hell of a flood event will unfold in the coming days / weeks. Seek help through Psychologi­cal service providers. Get a referral through your GP. The ongoing stress could impact on family, friends and financiall­y straining. Not forgetting Domestic Violence. No harm seeing a Psychologi­st. Bluewater Bob.

D.bilton, chill out mate, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. LM4818

Kath tsv bulletin 11/2/19 compulsory super never started until 1992 so to surgest get rid of pensions for the 65 plus age group , is typical of some people in your demographi­c, all so you empty head when i started work at the end of 1964 they used to to indicate on your pay packet how much was deducted for your eventful pension, and still to this day you pay a percentage in every dollar towards your pension, RS hermit park, ps kath im a self funded retiree purely through 50 yrs years of manual hard labour, and dont receive a cent from the government

Has anyone ever heard Deb Frecklingt­on say anything that is positive or that points to actual policy? JB Mt Louisa

An initial rescue for those poor farmers would be for the Fedral Government to pay for ALL cost of sending their children away to be educated, fees, uniforms, travel, books and stationery. Not just for one year, but for five, because when you are down on your knees after a decade of struggle, that will be how long it will take to straighten up. Then we should lobby our Federal members to drasticall­y reduce (80%), all Foreign Aid and redirect it via the CWA, a proven, no BS, trustworth­y organisati­on, that will get the funding to where it is needed, farmers on the ground.....literally. Wasn’t that hard to write an enormous, no questions asked cheque when the Indonesian tsunami hit, our fellow countrymen and women need help and they need it now! Kerry West End.

D.bilton. I am writing this text to poo-poo the way you poo-pooed WW C/jong after he poo-pooed your text. Never poo-poo a poopooing. Just learn from it. Ox Rosslea

Good on you ch 9 miss the last segment of 60 min and jump in to the next program and that wasn’t at the beginning either Ian avale

Thankyou so much to Jenny Hill & TCC for your Emergency Management Dashboard website. It was a fantastic resource for Emergency News, weather warnings, road conditions and power outages during our traumatic flooding event. Thanks also to One Thai Cuisine & Noodle Bar in Kirwan for cooking and delivering 250 free meals for the Emergency Flood workers. You are such a caring business couple. NS 4817

 ??  ?? I came up from Brisbane to help out after the floods and FNQ shows itself to be the best part of the country yet again. It’s the people. Resilient, selfless, tough, yet kind and always looking out for their neighbours. Is like to be deployed back to help some more even though my efforts don’t come close to what the Army, RAAF, CFA, SES, Ambos, Firies, Police, and the small groups that formed in 5 minutes or came from a point of obscurity to help out. It makes me supremely proud that there are still people like this in Australia today. Matt, North Brisbane.
I came up from Brisbane to help out after the floods and FNQ shows itself to be the best part of the country yet again. It’s the people. Resilient, selfless, tough, yet kind and always looking out for their neighbours. Is like to be deployed back to help some more even though my efforts don’t come close to what the Army, RAAF, CFA, SES, Ambos, Firies, Police, and the small groups that formed in 5 minutes or came from a point of obscurity to help out. It makes me supremely proud that there are still people like this in Australia today. Matt, North Brisbane.

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