Townsville Bulletin

LNP as bad as Labor


WOW, it did not take long for the Canberra syndrome to hit our Parliament.

Just as he had found the coffee machine, LNP MP for Herbert Phil Thompson (T/B 4/7) is already preparing the North for more of the same as we got under Labor. Nothing.

While the news was awash with the passing of the tax cuts, how about you take a look at the North Phil and realise that without water we have nothing here.

The case for the Bradfield scheme has been done, dusted off, re-looked at, re-costed and the business case for it is already there for everyone to see. Yet, because it was not proposed by Liberals, and Labor will never do it because of the Greens we have the sick and sorry scenario of: “Not a good business case.”

Local council can do nothing when it comes to a project of this size, and you know it. Local council is rates, rubbish and roads. That’s it.

The State Government will never look to the North, we need water up here, to grow our beef, cane, ethanol, biodegrada­ble products to replace plastic, yet Labor will bow to the Greens and not allow any more farming or dams. Liberals will stick to the plan, southern money for southern projects, overseas sell-offs that leave our country vulnerable to offshore influences. Take away the beef, cane and mining and we have nothing except defence up here to generate our income.

If we keep insulting our trading partners, or selling them the farm, then we may need that defence before too long. We have waited long enough for a nation building generation­al water infrastruc­ture project and we are dry and thirsty and sick and tired of excuses.

If the business case for stopping the second stage of the Haughton pipeline does not stack up, then stop the rudderless meandering track and give us the Hells Gates Dam project. Make the mark Phil, and become part of the solution instead of the excuse.

We will not accept the lousy statement of ‘we will keep the $200 million here’. For what? What will that money go to if not solid water projects that will deliver more business, more enterprise for that tax cut that you just voted for?

Enough of the holes in the tank and give us what we all hoped you could bring to the table – results and a full kettle, not an empty tank with nothing but echoes when you shout into it.

DEBRA GIBSON, Pinnacles.

 ??  ?? Phillip Thompson.
Phillip Thompson.

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