Townsville Bulletin



How many times have we heard that parents should be made more accountabl­e for there children misbehavin­g. After the recent incident in Western Australia were a woman was made to appear in court for leaving marks on her daughter it appears all we can use is nothing heaver than a feather duster. Italo Toscano. Bohle plains.

Land fill? What happens to the thousands of faulty, damaged, replaced solar panels?? Land fill?? Must be good for the environmen­t Ray - Kirwan

Townsville will never be free of juvenile crime, while judges/magistrate­s keep handing down soft sentences, or none at all. They could bring in a million police, it would would make no difference at all. For real justice to work properly, the punishment has to fit the crime. Every day in this paper, I read about perpetrato­rs who are brought to court for vicious crimes, only to be given ridiculous­ly soft sentences. Juvenile crime will continue into infinity, as long as they are recipients of “feather duster” justice. D. Bilton w /end

Every time there is a problem in an indigenous community their solution is just send money. No effort by the Council to address the problem of continuing fraud. This has got to stop! Brad 4814

Crowd funding is under way for a CQ activist training camp in mass civil disobedien­ce. The new stop Adani strategy is to disrupt people going about their lawful business by breaking the law and using violent means to damage infrastruc­ture to promote their ideology. This meets the definition of terrorism. Any land purchased for this purpose should be confiscate­d as the proceeds of crime. Organising to break the law is surely a crime. Shane. Airlie Beach Max, tvl, in response, maybe it needs to be in the rules, (if not already) of the competitio­n, contestant­s must live withing the designated local Government area, advertised. Def Kelso

Can’t wait for today & Sunday to see the Opels left behind in the mighty Mustangs’ wake. Go Scotty, Fabs, Chaz, Cam, Lee & Will. Dazza Pimlico

Veteran readers of TTE may remember when I suggested tongue in cheek a charity fight night headlined by Bilton v Ox. I hope it got a few laughs. Time to update: Main bout Turnbull v Dutton (ringside seat please), support bouts Hill v Jacobs (my money is on Hill), Bob Brown v Matt Canavan (the current Senator short priced favourite), mixed tag team Tubman/steve v Ags/pedro (winner get’s the Adani Trophy), last but not least Mcelligott v Ron (Referee Pedro if I can pass my HIA). All funds to the Salvos. Pedro Cranbrook

Lady fined for hitting her daughter. My father would have been put in jail. I used to get the jug cord quite often. He also pretended to cut off my hand just because I let tyres down on his truck. I’m talking about in the 50s and 60s. Coop 4814

Yeah chuck them another $1m. “Emergency support package”. What a rort. Talk about bleeding the country dry! Clunk 4810

So when the ALP give $1000 to Australian­s to stimulate the economy during the GFC the LNP call it ridiculous and a waste of taxpayers money but now the LNP have decided to give Australian taxpayers $1000 to stimulate the economy they call it a brilliant idea. Please explain. Shane RE.

Editorial (5/07) is confusing. It says the mayor didn’t have the report but the bulletin also reports the council had the report on the 20th of June. Either way politics needs to stay out of the decision. I don’t want my rates going up and as such the mayor needs to also be up front and honest about that. MCD 4812

Onya, Pedro! All of us who aren’t left of centre, Ken Mcelligott, are those for whom you did very little when you had the opportunit­y, and now you feel you can denigrate our opinions when we have the hide to express them. It’s TTE that gives us the forum to say what most of us think. Ags Hermit Pk

Bwahaha, JCU studying “outof-range” marine species such as “barramundi too far south of Bundaberg” reminds me that tuna don’t migrate too far north of Townsville in case they end up in Cairns. (Geddit?) Miner, Kelso

GEC 4814, yes the finger is pointed in the wrong direction, it should be pointed at the sun. M. thomas 4824

I honestly can’t believe how precious some people from the Left get about name calling of politician­s of their persuasion, apparently that’s disrespect, but it’s been fine through the years to call the conservati­ves, Pig Iron Bob, Billy Big Ears Mcmahon, Jack Boot Joh Bjelke Peterson, Tony Dick Togs Abbott, Turncoat Turnbull and so on, but when someone called Julia Gillard, Juliar, the precious left throughout the world erupted and wanted heads to roll, funny that. Ron Kelso.

Noel Doherty, what a load of twaddle. Open book exams are not “answers given,” they are used in subjects such as mathematic­s or physics where there are literally thousands of formulas, and you are marked on your ability to quickly determine which one you need, find it and correctly apply it. Nor have I ever been to a school graduation where “every single student” got a prize. A bit of fact-checking before writing may help your credibilit­y. Herper avale

Fair dinkum! “Tropics climate peril”, JCU news, TB 5/7. Isn’t it time to learn to live with this variable climate instead of spending $billions for no result on a “climate emergency” and driving down quality of life? Bring back Profs Peter Ridd, Lomborg etc and some conversati­on and sanity. Bazza Mt Low.

Re Miss Townsville quest. Could someone please tell me how many Townsville girls entered the competitio­n. I remember a year or so back that the competitio­n was at risk of being cancelled due to the lack of entries. Ros Cranbrook

Townsville Enterprise Limited’s Patricia O’callaghan is exactly right: with the economy struggling and Townsville already in the doldrums, now (not 2035) is a good time to build Stage 2, which will deliver both water security and 691 jobs to the region. I said before that LNP “box-ticking” was meant to dupe voters and now they’re trying to weasel out of their promise. Release the report and loosen the purse strings, Phil! Steve, Belgian Gardens

Stop cities to stop Adani, yeah we all know our Labor Government’s stance on the Crime in it’s state, NIL , people have had enough, silent majority won’t be for much longer, Cris wulguru

Seems like we need to have a second water pipeline just like we needed to have a new football stadium. Both appear to be throwing taxpayers money at a non existent problem. Drof R’wood 4817

Young crims should be named The Untouchabl­es. Because that’s exactly what they are. T A. A C.

More to investigat­e but if it’s true that liberal government knew that stage two of our water pipeline would not go ahead before the last election they will pay a heavy price for this. Typical lollies, smoke and mirrors and lies. Townsville needs this. Water shortfalls

Will happen again regardless of what’s in our dam now. Phil Fusco Annandale

 ??  ?? I have a question, in 15 yrs time what will be the cost of stage 2 and how much will we have paid for power over that time to pump water? Wayne Gulliver
I have a question, in 15 yrs time what will be the cost of stage 2 and how much will we have paid for power over that time to pump water? Wayne Gulliver

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