Townsville Bulletin

Communism’s threat


TO THOSE people who wonder why we have a deteriorat­ion of our society every time we have a Labor government in power.

Perhaps you should study the dictates of the Communist Manifesto and study up on the “long march through history.”

Put simply, communists believe they should dominate the world and its people, however, they can’t compete with success like our democracy, so in order to be in charge, they seek to destroy it so they can take control.

We can start with one of our strong points, the family unit, first you take away the rights of parents to teach their offspring right from wrong, you call it “civil liberties” (it used to be called discipline) the children grow up without knowing their responsibi­lities, often they become delinquent­s, and later on, criminals. This is aided and abetted by the failure of our justice system, after they turn prisons from a deterrent into a holiday camp, when in too many cases, people actually commit crime in order to be sent to jail, because it is easier there than in the real world.

Again, we call this “civil rights”. We then tell ordinary people that they have to lock themselves in a self-imposed prison that we used to call homes. Yes, this happening.

Now, to add insult to injury, we have what is called “the redistribu­tion of wealth”.

This is where we take away the incentive to work hard and achieve a better life by taking away much of your hard-earned money and give it to “the less fortunate” — another term for the lazy and inept. We make this more palatable by claiming that people who do work hard are greedy and selfish for wanting to keep what they had earned.

Once you have destroyed the incentive to better your life, and created rifts in society, by promoting an us and them mentality, we are too busy to notice our freedoms and liberties are disappeari­ng fast.

We are much easier to control once this has been achieved and, yes, it is happening right now.

However, in order to achieve this, you need “useful idiots” the term used to describe people with huge egos and small brains. (you can study this easily) these useful idiots are easily manipulate­d into believing that the very things that make democracie­s successful are wrong.

If you talk to people who have fled communist-run countries, they will tell you in no uncertain terms that communism has no empathy for human life whatsoever, it is all about power in the hands of the few, and that the lives of ordinary people have no value at all (think our present judicial system).

The useful idiots, actually believe that after our freedoms and achievemen­ts have been taken away, we will live in a better world.

If we continue to blindly follow the path of failed ideologies, rather than listen to the voices of experience and reason, then we all lose.



 ?? Picture: ISTOCK ?? GLOBAL MENACE: Communism has no empathy for human life, says one reader.
Picture: ISTOCK GLOBAL MENACE: Communism has no empathy for human life, says one reader.

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