Townsville Bulletin

Manly stars want win for favourite fan


WIN one for Warwick.

Manly players are hoping they get the chance to be at the hospital bedside tonight of a Manly fanatic who has helped belt out their victory song for more than 20 years.

Warwick Bulmer, 78, cracked five ribs, dislocated an elbow and fractured his shoulder in a fall down backyard stairs at his Narrabeen home recently. Provided they can overcome Wests Tigers, a group of Manly players may not even sing the song in their dressing room at Brookvale Oval but wait until they see Bulmer.

Manly legend Max Krilich planted a kiss on Bulmer’s forehead during his hospital visit this week.

“It would be a beauty if the players did that – it would bring a tear to Warwick’s eye, don’t worry about that,” Krilich said. “The players love him and he loves the players. He worships the ground the Trbojevic brothers walk on.

“Warwick’s not in a good way. He can struggle to get in and out of cars. I even watch him struggle to get down the stairs to lead the victory song.

“But once he gets into that dressing room, he hammers away with our song. He is so passionate. He just loves Manly and loves Manly winning. He is one of those diehards and is a heartbeat at the club.”

Manly coach Des Hasler knows Wests Tigers – even without injured star Robbie Farah but playing for their season – will be exceptiona­lly difficult to overcome.

“They are backing themselves so it won’t be an easy game, that’s for sure,” Hasler said. “They will be competitiv­e, don’t worry about that.” — Dean Ritchie

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