Townsville Bulletin

I’ve crawled out from under my rock to set the record straight


TONY Tsimbas ( TB, 23/8) has again listed the scary prediction­s that have failed to eventuate and insists that they have – or they will soon. Let’s examine them.

“The Antarctic ice shelf is shrinking.” The National Snow and Ice Data Centre’s Antarctic ice anomaly chart shows a little less ice near the volcanical­ly active West Antarctic Peninsula and a little more elsewhere.

The overall ice mass balance is trending upwards.

“Arctic ice is decreasing.” Rutgers University’s Global Snow Lab shows Arctic ice is trending up in winter and trending up sharply in autumn. Just last year Greenland’s regular passenger ship was unexpected­ly trapped in sea ice nearly a month into spring.

“Glaciers are disappeari­ng”. The USA’S famous Glacier National Park quietly removed its prominent signs declaring the park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020 or 2030 – because they’re actually growing again.

“Sea level rise.” Just this week we heard the panicked shrieking from Tuvalu about disappeari­ng beneath rising seas, but even the ABC’S Fact Check Unit had to admit that the land area of Tuvalu is actually increasing. Alarmists are very cruel scaring island folk that way.

“Ocean acidificat­ion.” This is a frankly ridiculous phrase. On the PH scale the oceans are “basic” solutions. If acidity were to increase it would get closer to neutral, not become “more acidic”. Just using the phrase “ocean acidificat­ion” indicates ignorance.

“Species are becoming extinct.” Ninety-nine per cent of all the species to have lived on Earth have gone extinct. Extinction­s are normal.

Plus, advanced civilisati­ons with fertiliser­s and machinery capitalisi­ng on fossil fuels have protected natural areas better than poor countries have.

“Some cities are facing a water crisis.” Yes, that’s what happens when you increase population­s without a commensura­te increase in dams for water storage.

And who blocks dams? Yep, greenie climate alarmists do.

“Every year new record high temperatur­es are set.” Yes, and we see that narrative maintained with sensors that don’t meet standards, records that are “homogenise­d”, and recording stations in cold places closed and new ones in hot places opened.

For a man who claims he’s “interested in evidence”, Tony sure seems to be a big consumer of agitprop from the vested interests behind the climate scam – but sure, Tony, I’m the one “living under a rock”. PETER CAMPION, Tolga.

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