Townsville Bulletin

Simple tips to grow your retirement nest egg

Consider financial factors before returning to the workforce, writes Anthony Keane


LONGER and healthier retirement­s are prompting senior Australian­s to return to the workforce years after they first stopped employment.

Whether it’s to beat boredom, boost a shrinking nest egg or rekindle a career, there are financial factors to understand, money specialist­s say.

Social researcher Mark Mccrindle said government data showed workers were getting older.

“Certainly people are working longer, and in that mix there are people who have left and have come back,” he said.

“We are seeing more of it, and will, indeed, into the future.”

Mr Mccrindle said one-sixth of the workforce was aged over 55. “A 65 year old today can expect, on average, 20 years more life compared to their parents’ generation, who could expect around 13 years of life expectancy at age 65,” he said.

“Older people now have the option of working.

“Back in the day it was pretty hard for someone in their 60s to get a job.”

Mr Mccrindle said today’s sharing economy such as Airbnb and Uber allowed anyone to earn an income, while senior knowledge-based specialist­s could work as consultant­s or life coaches.

“One of the real issues is managing work and health – not just physical health in labour-heavy jobs, but also mental health,” he said.

“When someone has been gearing up for the finish line and suddenly they’re going back in, they do have to get their head around that and re-energise.”

When a retiree starts earning money again, there are tax, pension and super issues.


Working may mean paying income tax again, but that will depend on what you earn.

Older Australian workers pay less tax thanks to the government’s Seniors and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO).

This enables a single person of pension age to earn an annual income of almost $33,000 a year and not pay a cent of income tax – that’s more than $630 a week tax-free.

Each member of a couple can earn more than $29,000 and not pay tax under the SAPTO rules.


Goldsborou­gh Financial Services director Brenton Miegel said pensioners were able to work and still claim a full or part age pension.

Under the government’s pension income test, people can earn up to $174 a fortnight and claim a full pension, or up to $2026 a fortnight and still claim a part pension.

The thresholds are more generous for those above pension age, thanks to the government’s Work Bonus scheme. “The first $300 per fortnight you earn doesn’t count for income test purposes,” Mr Miegel said of this scheme.

“After that you will see a reduction in age pension of 50c for every $1 you are over the income test threshold.

“If you’re on an age pension, the Work Bonus scheme immediatel­y comes into effect.”

Mr Miegel said the Work Bonus was flexible for retirees because it accumulate­d over a year. “So if you want to do seasonal work – whether that’s being a Santa Claus, fruit picking or harvesting – the Work Bonus can allow people over age pension age to work for four to six weeks (full-time) and not see any reduction in their pension,” he said.

Mr Miegel said a retiree who earned “too much” money in a fortnight – and became ineligible to receive any pension for that period – would not have to reapply.

“You can go six fortnights of zero income support from Centrelink without having to go and reapply,” he said.


When retiring, many people switch their super from an accumulati­on account to an account-based pension that is tax-free but cannot accept new deposits.

“If you’re on an accountbas­ed pension, you can continue that, no problems at all,” Mr Miegel said of retirees who returned to work.

He said they could choose to roll their account-based pension back into super, but its earnings would then be taxable.

Another option is to open a new accumulati­on account to receive contributi­ons.

Employers will pay compulsory contributi­ons into this account, and Wealth for Life Financial Planning principal Rex Whitford said retirees could also contribute as long as they met the work test.

Anyone aged 65 to 74 must work for a minimum of 40 hours in a 30-day period to be able to make voluntary contributi­ons to super.

After 75, the only money that can go into super is employer compulsory payments.

Mr Whitford said seniors going back to work should consider costs they might incur, such as travel and uniforms.

“There’s a balancing act – people have to look at their budget at work and their budget when not working,” he said. “Is there value in working?”

Mr Whitford said retirees often felt they had more to contribute to the workforce.

“You are a long time retired,” he said. “After you’ve taken a couple of cruises, what is there?

“For many people it’s the ability to say, ‘I don’t have to work but I want to work’.”

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 ??  ?? OPTIONS: Older people are living longer and can choose whether to keep working or not – even if it’s only part-time.
OPTIONS: Older people are living longer and can choose whether to keep working or not – even if it’s only part-time.

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