Townsville Bulletin




Maybe MP Aaron Harper should direct his anger at his own Labor State Government and the useless judical system and not at MP Phillip Thompson who by the way got it spot on when he said Townsville residents were living in fear and the government’s catch and release system. Bring on the election Aaron. Sam 4850

Cranky tradie – anyone can attack Labor, including Phil Thomson but does he have solutions? Haven’t heard him say anything constructi­ve yet. Bruce Kelso

TB27 jan cheap shot. Mr Harper must have a very short memory saying the LNP have no solution to youth crime. Does he not remember Campbell Newman era? hd c towers

So no mandatory imprisonme­nt for those people that assault emergency workers according to MP Harper, because some of them might have dementia. Ok well what about the 99 per cent of offenders that don’t have dementia, you know, the drunk or drugaffect­ed ones or just the bad ones that like to bash everyone? Do you support mandatory sentencing for those type of people Aaron? Sorry for the difficult questions, I’m just trying to prepare my vote for October. Pete at Douglas.

For Thompson to say there is nothing for a Fed Govt to do is just populist politics at its worst. Get off your a--e and roll out the cashless welfare card here for any family on benefits who have a child arrested more than twice. Tom Mundingbur­ra

So Aaron Harper is whinging about a “cheap shot” from Phil Thompson. Let me inform you that there was nothing cheap about it. Your government’s lack of action on the youth crime situation has cost victims a hell of lot of their hard earned money while these little grubs thumb their noses at your feeble attempts at a solution. It is said that the quiet Australian delivered victory to the Coalition in the federal election, so I hope the quiet Townsvilli­ans get rid of the three of you at the upcoming State election. If they don’t then we deserve all we get thereafter. Paul. Alligator Ck.

My council vote will go to whoever brings back our tip vouchers and opens the Jensen transfer station again. Common sense and a cleaner town for all. beachcombe­r 4818

Noisy Myna nailed it with his letter to Santa Claus. But the sheeple will just vote as they always do when a few shiny baubles are waved in front of them. People need to take a moment to critically look at how little the current mayor and council have done for the city and dump them. Vote for whoever you like, just not that bunch. Axe, Cluden

We just had some very sad news – another well respected family in Townsville is leaving. Their children play a number of sports around town. They will be greatly missed. The reason they’re leaving is the parents fear for the safety of the children with no end in sight of the lawlessnes­s and the inaction of the authoritie­s to make any real impact for obviously political reasons. They said it is only a matter of time before an innocent family is wiped out by the madness on the roads and they were doing everything they can to ensure it isn’t them so they have taken the hard decision to leave and start somewhere where they can bring up their children in relative safety. The sad truth is she’s right. Sue Mt Low

Lee Condon – your hostage-taker plan (”give us the money and no one gets hurt!”) isn’t needed. By imposing tariffs on carbon polluters, Europe will be able to shut down our coal industry without paying us a cent. Steve, Belgian Gardens

Actually, Rodney Battle, the Catholic church has said for decades that they do accept science, and yes they acknowledg­e evolution and the Big Bang – Pope Francis himself even holds a degree in chemistry. But whether you are Christian, atheist or a Holy Roller, you don’t need faith to figure out that we need to start looking after the planet. The Credible Hulk mt louisa

What would the religious leaders in Townsville know about Climate Change ( previously called weather). You just worry about God and leave the rest to the experts on “weather”. Jan 4815

Well here we go again, Townsville City Council demonstrat­ing their total lack of common sense or even worse, any brains at all. There have been ongoing requests to have a footpath installed down Bonnet Road in Mt Low for at least 8 years and it has been denied due to extravagan­t cost estimates at around 1000/m, really. The joke is that contractor­s have just set up to start what appears to be a culvert across the flood way for the footpath. Great to see there is movement on the project but the council seem to have forgotten that this is the wet season and the work site is now flooded and we have had very little rain compared to the potential for this time of year. Great leadership and foresight from the planning team. Mount Low Murdy.

Think about it Alex and have some vision not negativity. re: grand plan for centre TTE 27/1. The vanes are not pieces of cardboard. There are building codes in place. What a great revitalisa­tion. I might leave it to the experts. Craig 4810

Alan Stubbs, Annandale. One of life’s privileges is we all are entitled to opinions. While I also agree with Barry Lowe only u muddied the water with comparison­s between BFD Stage 2 and Hells Gate New Bradfield. Phillip Thompson is a rookie MP but entitled to his view like Barry, u and mine now. NQ needs both it does not begin & end in the lower Burdekin, State govts need to put up or shut up & stop bludging on the Commonweal­th. There was a time when we considered others & the New Bradfield will benefit many beyond our domain. We all need to look outside the square at times. WW. C/jong.

All of those talking about Bridget Mckenzie and her alleged pork barrelling haven’t seen pork barrelling yet, and they should ask the question if it’s coincident­al that the State Govt has released a raft of cleverly stockpiled infrastruc­ture projects throughout the state timed to start as we approach the election. If they keep watching, they will also find that the pork barrelling is just beginning. Ron Kelso.

I drove up Castle Hill on Saturday and in doing so looked down on the North and South yard railway workshops and thought what a tragedy the Labor Government did in closing down the workshops, so many jobs lost, and these jobs will never return, that’s Labor for you. Ralph West End.

I will never give the Red Cross another dollar. stevo 4817

After 63 years on this planet I know one for sure, our politician­s no longer care for us, they only care about keeping their high paying jobs and all we do now is replace one train wreck Labor with another train wreck Liberal. Neither side is not worth the paper they wipe their backsides with. All they do is make sure no one upsets their monopoly and collect their so-called wages year in year out. Lee Condon

When the First Fleet sailed into what became known as Botany Bay, on January the 26th, there was no such country as “Australia”. The country we now know as Australia, wasn’t officially named “Australia”, until the early 19th century. Therefore I highly recommend that the date be changed to January the 1st , the day we officially became a commonweal­th in 1901, as January the 26th is causing far too much angst, in our indigenous communitie­s. Makes better sense I think. D. Bilton w /end

I’ve just had my children read to me and describe the behaviour of a gang of kids terrorisin­g a bus driver and passengers at a Townsville bus stop. As a blind person who finds it intimidati­ng going out in public anytime and cannot use buses, vulnerabil­ity in a situation like this is a grave concern. I cannot go to Stocklands any longer after being set upon by a couple of want to be hoodlums. Now Castletown looks like a no go for me. I’m teased by them if I walk along the footpath near my place with my cane so cannot go out and exercise. I am being assessed for a guide dog but am thinking it will be a waste for the training organisati­on to give one to me as I may have to remained locked indoors. When will the government protect the disabled and everyone else in this city? I do not feel safe. Please lock me up. I will be safer than out here. Bing 4814

When I was in business I didn’t notice anybody donating to my running costs. Farming at the end of the day, farming is just another business. If u can’t stand the heat. Joe Blake

Aaron Harper, what a puffed-up princess you are, to be complainin­g about people complainin­g about kiddie crims running rampant in Townsville. To be complainin­g that the Federal Government has cut funding to a program that State Government has carriage of is beyond the pale! To be complainin­g that Phillip Thompson/lnp has no plans to fix the problem when your lot have been in government for six years and you have done nothing about it except make excuses. I feel sorry for our police who do all they can to arrest these nasty, lazy, thieving little mongrels only to see these kids walk free on bail to steal, abuse and frighten within 24hrs. C.J. 4814

 ??  ?? All this wonderful rain falling thoughout west and North Queensland, but alas due to inept state and fed govt, we have no dams to store it all and eventually it will all run out to sea. Phantom 4817.
All this wonderful rain falling thoughout west and North Queensland, but alas due to inept state and fed govt, we have no dams to store it all and eventually it will all run out to sea. Phantom 4817.

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