Townsville Bulletin



THE challenge for new Brothers Rugby coach Connor Barrett will not be channellin­g enthusiasm in his youthful squad. They have that by the barrel.

For the former New South Wales U16s coach it will be teaching his team to have a variety of playing styles.

Barrett will look to harness the free-flowing football that typifies young rugby players.

But as different opposition throw different challenges at Brothers each week the new coach said variety would define their season.

“I think one of the biggest challenges … is making sure they have multiple answers for the problem they face. If they only have one answer young players will be scratching their heads,” Barrett said.

“I think in general all teams have specific players and it’s more trying to work to the strengths of their opposition.

“They may have a very good 10 or 6 and 7. It’s just how to be tactical when you’re playing against certain teams.”

Barrett has worked with young teams before after a three-year stint with the New South Wales U16 side from 2016-18.

The Brothers team he has inherited may not be as young, but their energy has been infectious as the new mentor puts together the pre-season pieces for the 2020 campaign.

There is balance in the squad. Many of the players are in their early to mid-20s and discoverin­g what makes them a unique athlete.

But there are still some “wise heads on strong shoulders”, which gives Barrett confidence ahead of the season opener in March.

The high school teacher by day said his profession­al life had taught him how to not just communicat­e with young adults but bring them together when the team needs a collective push. “I think the joy of being a teacher … is it gives you an insight into working with people who are keen to learn,” Barrett said.

“A big challenge when you hit your 20s is being your own person, but rugby is a team game and you have to jell together.

“It’s just making sure you’re constantly giving them something to learn. If you’re not learning you become stagnant, and it’s always changing.

“The challenge for Brothers is to keep learning and make it difficult for the other (teams).”

Brothers will officially begin preseason training today.

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