Townsville Bulletin

Time to end state rule


WITH regards to the current pandemic, one thing the virus has highlighte­d is the absolute need to get rid of state government­s.

What is going on with regards to distancing rules – the number of people being allowed to congregate together differs depending on whether it’s a wedding or a funeral.

One funeral reported that approximat­ely 80 mourners attended, which was in complete contravent­ion of the Government’s instructio­ns but had permission to exceed the prescribed number.

However, four vintage aeroplanes couldn’t fly because of the restrictio­ns. Go figure, it’s nothing more than a joke.

The whole episode of the states being in charge, in my opinion, has turned out to be nothing more than a dog’s breakfast.

Western Australia has regional restrictio­ns but we can’t have them here in Queensland.

We here in the North have to wait until the south has been declared safe.

Bob Katter made good sense in a published article (TB, 20/5) when he said, and I quote, “In every contagion outbreak (fruit and vegetables, stock, pigs, chooks, horses) you quarantine the area of contagion or you quarantine the clean areas”.

We in the North of the state are in a clean area and have been comparativ­ely safe from the virus for several weeks now.

But we remain locked down when we could all be getting back to some form of normality if only our illustriou­s Premier would close the gate at Rockhampto­n and quarantine us. Only she knows why she won’t.

It is also disappoint­ing that her three representa­tives here in

Townsville are conspicuou­s by their absence in this matter.

It may be September or it may be later until we reopen.

Who really knows the correct number of people who can congregate together or the safe distance to be from one another.

Why is 10 the magic figure in a restaurant what’s wrong with 11, I2, 13? Some restaurant­s have seating available for far more than the figures mentioned.

I assume the numbers mentioned have some form of scientific basis.

Also reported in the TB on 21/5 was the editorial “Relaxing rules is a no-brainer”, re the use of public places for drinking alcohol.

The council in its wisdom enacted local law No. 51 (control of intoxicati­ng liquor).

Townsville either needs the laws or it doesn’t.

One week the law is in place, the next week the law has been relaxed.

I think the Mayor would be better off lobbying the Premier to open the North up than trying to adjust the local law to fit the current situation, unless the initial reason for the law to be enacted in the first place has changed.


 ?? Picture: AAP ?? GOOD SENSE: Politician Bob Katter’s views on quarantine have won support.
Picture: AAP GOOD SENSE: Politician Bob Katter’s views on quarantine have won support.

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