Townsville Bulletin

Mayor sticks to her guns Dismisses attack of playing politics


MAYOR Jenny Hill has hit back at Herbert MP Phil Thompson over his “attack” on her after she revealed her views on how federal Labor should use the COVID-19 pandemic to “re-engage” with the regions.

It comes as Mr Thompson said yesterday Ms Hill should “stop playing politics” and instead “focus on the people and businesses of North Queensland” after she said regional Queensland candidates needed the “freedom” to speak about mining projects.

“His attack on me should be seen what for it is – a deliberate strategy to distract from his own failings,” Ms Hill said.

“Instead of attacking me for standing up for Townsville and Northern Australia, the Member for Herbert should be going door-to-door in Canberra advocating for our community.

“This shows he is not Townsville’s man in Canberra. He is Canberra’s man in

Townsville and, quite frankly, we deserve better.”

Ms Hill said she wanted the nation to “recognise and acknowledg­e the importance of Townsville and Northern Australia”.

“I want all levels of government, regardless of their political affiliatio­n, to act in a meaningful way to ensure Townsville and Northern Australia realises its full potential,” she said. “My question is: why doesn’t the Federal Member for Herbert want those things too?”

Mr Thompson said Ms Hill “shouldn’t be in a political party”.

“Not once in the LNP have I been told what I can and can’t say … but that’s what the ALP does,” he said. “Labor don’t support mining, they don’t support the resource sector and they tell their candidates and their members not to talk about it.

“How are you supposed to represent people if your party is too worried about some latte sipping lefties in Melbourne?”

Ms Hill said she had “never hidden” her Labor Party membership.

She said that federal Labor struggled to relate to the broader community, including First Nations people.

 ??  ?? Jenny Hill
Phil Thompson
Jenny Hill Phil Thompson

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