Townsville Bulletin

PM must cough up the cash


PRIME Minister Scott Morrison can thank the people of Townsville for helping him win power at the last federal election.

To get the people of Townsville onside he and his party promised to fund the second stage of the Haughton Pipeline, to the tune of $225 million.

For the Coalition to get behind the deal it took a community campaign and the threat of losing the election.

Federal Labor also committed to funding the project and its deal was even more iron clad.

It promised to hand over the cash for the project immediatel­y.

The reason for the sense of urgency was that stage 1 was already under constructi­on and building stage 2 of the project concurrent­ly would save the taxpayer $55 million.

Back in June 2019, seven months after the funding offer was made, a very similar editorial was written about the lack of cash coming forward for stage 2.

Back then, the editorial read: ”There is no doubt newly minted MP for Herbert Phillip Thompson fought hard to get the commitment in the first instance. But getting this project quickly finalised and calming the fears of Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill will be his first real test in his new job.” It seems Mr Thompson has failed that test.

It’s now July 2020 and not one cent has made it to the council and the window to save ratepayers and taxpayers $55 million has almost closed.

Cr Hill believes the Federal

Government is reneging on an election winning promise by not agreeing to terms with the State Government.

Mr Thompson says it’s the state holding it up and has started attacking the mayor. It’s not a good look.

Townsville needs this money more than ever now. To recover from COVID19, create jobs and most of all give Townsville people water security into the future. The Federal Government has been given the benefit of the doubt up until now but it’s time to get on with the job.

No more delays and no more excuses.

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