Townsville Bulletin

KRISTOFF. I doubt you will wait more than two minutes at any traffic lights in Townsville. Check your dash clock next time. GP, SOUTH.


TB 7/6 LNP plan to stamp out youth crime, finally after five years of total mayhem and repeated calls to the three sitting silent MLAS to get youth crime under control, a party appears to be listening to the fed-up people of the Ville, this election can’t come soon enough, TR, 4818

Sorry Carl Pimlico, still don’t get it. No quarantine for passengers who arrived? MHV, 4810

I’ve said it before and I say it again, the big issue in T’ville on election day will be juvenile break, enter & steal your car and the revolving doors of the judicial system. No one, except the closed mind biased rusted-ons, could possibly rate the three mice performanc­e in the last five years better than one or possibly two out of 10. Woeful, they will pay the price on October 31. PEDRO, CRANBROOK

Azza is spot on about Townsville traffic lights. Without doubt the worst lights in the state for overuse of red right-turn arrows when there are hundreds of metres of visibility ahead. Sadly, we have red arrows because morons seem to forget you have to give way to oncoming traffic. GROWLER, 4810

Carl Walker, we recently saw 10 people living in a two-bedroom room. The backpacker­s were told by their employer if they said anything they would be deported. They were charged 150 a week to sleep there, no food or nothing supplied. I won’t start on their wages. GF ANNANDALE 4814. Please keep the Queensland borders closed. We have all done so well in limiting the number of COVID-19 cases in our state. Let’s not ruin the work done over the past four months by opening the QLD border. Support each other in QLD and QLD business but keep the border closed. SS, AYR

In answer to Meg Pimlico, I can say that a lot of Grey Nomads are on the road for ever. Their caravan is their house. That might explain why you have seen vans with Victorian number plates. It doesn’t necessaril­y mean they have just driven up. They keep their rego in their home states, perhaps holding a PO address. Rego in Victoria is cheaper than most other states. WARREN, 4814

Dear Editor, you need to stop printing that racist rubbish from Ross Reid in North Ward. Cutting tendons? A fortnight’s food?? Just dumb, ignorant nonsense. BILLY, HOME HILL

I’ve just had visitors from Bris who’ve travelled extensivel­y, and they agree with you, Kristoff and Azza, Townsville traffic lights are abysmal, worst they’ve seen! Who’s setting them, preschoole­rs? AGS HERMIT PK

Just read a wonderful children’s book, Hanna the Honey Bee, by Lyn Rose. Great story and illustrati­ons for young ones JEK, 4812

Grandad blasted by magistrate, TB July 7. I dare say magistrate­s wouldn’t have a clue about the fears and concerns of citizens on struggle street. Looking out from a perch on Yarrawonga or a gated estate, the good judge wouldn’t know what it feels like to be at the mercy of the grubs that roam our streets, and would be oblivious to the fact that the courts that they preside over keep returning the grubs to the streets to commit even more crimes. Don’t be dishearten­ed, Lindsay Sargent. My home is my castle and I will defend it too. BARRY SMAIL, STUART.

Nita Green Labor Senator says jobs directed at Covid recovery are directed at men. How low can Labor go. Really. Any woman who wants a job in mining, road works, transport or manufactur­ing can get a job if jobs are there. Is it because the Labor Senator is trying to get headlines for woeful State Gov or is she so out if touch with get-yourhands-dirty work that she posts this ridiculous letter? RAY, KELSO

If any of the recent traffic light ranters got out of their cars occasional­ly, they might notice signage indicating that some pedestrian crossings have been temporaril­y automated to obviate the need for button-pressing. STEVE, BELGIAN GARDENS

 ??  ?? War on crime! No one wins a war, there is always collateral damage. Just bring in three strikes and you’re out. The game is very serious. M J REYNOLDS MT LOUISA
War on crime! No one wins a war, there is always collateral damage. Just bring in three strikes and you’re out. The game is very serious. M J REYNOLDS MT LOUISA

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