Townsville Bulletin




So you can’t cross the border, but you can sail from China into Townsville port, carrying coronaviru­s, no problemo! WTF. Get serious people, we can’t afford an outbreak here. TH 4818

Why aren’t the COVID-19 infected crew members, on the ship headed for Townsville, being quarantine­d and treated on the ship? Why chance the spread while transferri­ng them? TINKER. 4816

ALEX 4818 where are these fictitious hardworkin­g Labor MLAS you speak of? Certainly not in our town. Take the rose coloured glasses off mate and see them for what they are, bloody useless. It’s all about the poor little loves, nothing for the victims. This town and Qld have had a gutful of these fools, give em the flick in October. SMITHY 4818

Alex 4818, in your text last Saturday when you said “Townsville’s hardworkin­g Labor MPS”, which decade was that referring to? It can’t be this decade because the work effort on crime reduction by the Talentless Trio progresses about as fast as an asthmatic snail carrying heavy groceries, although at least the snail is making an effort.

AZZA 4812

Speaking of “Townsville’s hardworkin­g Labor MPS” ALEX 4818 – l saw fairies at the end of the garden this morning.


SAM 4850. The answer is simple. There is no money in good news. The academics/greens play the “reef is dying” card & the money pours in from a govt sucking up to them for their votes. THE B OF DOUGLAS

Kerry 4818 – I think you saw a recent report about recovery of Moore Reef and thought they said “more”. Just because one individual reef is improving doesn’t mean the entire GBR is.


Senator Susan Mcdonald makes sense about our infrastruc­ture in our regions but, unfortunat­ely, we are not in the SE.


We lost Ponga don’t lose Walters.


I had to laugh at the premier’s idea of the Bradfield scheme, raising the Burdekin dam wall by 2 metres falls well short of what Bradfield had in mind in drought proofing eastern Australia.


HJL. Can assure you meals in a local residentia­l just as bad. My mother is a recent resident. I’m shocked at the meals, many inedible. The staff know and tell her which ones to avoid. Occupants have given up complainin­g because management does nothing and some of the ‘carers’ give them a hard time for complainin­g. The board and managers should be made to eat 3 random meals per week. Guarantee things would change quickly. I’m following up with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.


HJL, T’ville. It’s time we all accepted aged care be nationalis­ed and funded by broadening or increasing of the GST. If you are familiar with caring it’s common knowledge an elder’s appetite diminishes with age and they prefer small servings and variety. There is nothing wrong with a pre-packaged single serve dessert so comparing these facilities to concentrat­ion camps is absurd, now are you happy to put your hand in pocket and properly fund aged care? CARL. PIMLICO

For the rehabilita­tion of all offenders to be effective, they must have a strong desire to change their behaviour. Until the consequenc­es for their unlawful conduct become so much greater than the rewards, there is no motivation to reform. Unlike 50 years ago, institutio­ns such as the church, politician­s and corporatio­ns frequently provide examples of low moral behaviour.


What a shame that on election day a large number of people will not go back through the two terms of this state govt and look at the overall picture but judge them purely on their dealings with the coronaviru­s outbreak. It would be a terrible outcome to give them a third term based on that alone.


What does a premier do in a tight election when the opposition leader announces as policy a new version of the Bradfield Scheme winning vital votes in marginal regional seats? (A) Do nothing (B) Panic (C) Claim to support another version of Bradfield, make no reference to the feds for funding, and forget about it completely after the election if she manages to win. Correct answer C. PEDRO CRANBROOK

Yep there’s an election coming. Premier plots path for own scaled-down version of Bradfield Scheme. If it’s from the same handbook as raising the BFD wall forget it, even Frecklingt­on knows it must start with doubling the height of Hell’s Gate to create the largest dam in Queensland. WW. C/JONG

Congratula­tions to JCU being ranked among the world’s top universiti­es. Being ranked by the Shanghai Ranking Consultanc­y says it all. CJ PALLARENDA

JCU crows about being ranked in the top 400 universiti­es in the world since 2010. What they don’t recognise is that they have not been improving their position in the rankings in the last 10 years. Institutio­ns and businesses that don’t constantly strive to improve are in reality going backwards.


Kyle Feldt’s kicking did not lose us the game, Russ. We missed tackles, dropped the ball, and did not score after piling on the pressure in the first half. He is not our first choice kicker. He put his hand up to do a job and did his best. Even Mick Cronin had bad days.


Don’t people realise farmers r just another business? They expect taxpayers to cover their expenses, just as other businesses do, but they take it one step too far.


Damien Nth Ward – as much as Jenny may think she’s the all powerful empress, she has absolutely no authority over the courts and other entities and therefore the likelihood of “young criminals to spruce up council owned parks or clean up graffiti” is absolute zero! PJ CITY

Dr Jeannette Young has penned a letter thanking Queensland­ers for their work in saving tens of thousands of lives with their efforts during the pandemic. Of course this letter will have been designed to help the government’s election campaign. When it is published in newspapers throughout the state it should be charged to the ALP and not Queensland taxpayers.


Dear Mango, Castle Hill is 286m high and approx ... I don’t know 6 ks circumfere­nce? Plenty of room for all walks of life, including small animals, who actually steer clear of tracks frequented by many humans (lucky you for sighting them), along with the lowlifes knocking down these dear little cherubs’ rock castles! Perhaps you prefer them staying indoors using their Lego, but at a job interview further down the track I want a person who played outside, used their muscles and eyesight by sourcing just the right rock, thought outside the box, picked wildflower­s (they are weeds actually but don’t tell her that), fought with siblings, sorted things out, breathed fresh air and above all and most importantl­y, when some horrible person knocked down their creations, they came back the next day and did it all again ... cause it’s fun! You ought to try Mango.


John Mellon from Kelso. Re your letter to The Bulletin on Saturday. The Australian Government has invested 66m into a vaccine for COVID-19. Places like the Uni of Qld, Monash Uni, the Garven Institute and Uni of NSW are just a couple of examples of research funds provided by the Morrison government. This is on top of 220m provided to upgrade the CSIRO biosecurit­y lab. One would think doing some simple research before writing a letter blasting the PM might have come in handy. ANGRYMICK4­814

MJ Reynolds. In answer to your request to have the kiddie crims named, Campbell Newman introduced it when his party was in power. Was one of the first things Labor repealed when they got back into power 6 years ago. JAMES, CONDON

GM, 4811: Thank you for sharing the quote reminding us how precious and tenuous our lives can be. We need to all be reminded now and then not to ever take valuable relationsh­ips for granted, to appreciate and be grateful for them, and to express loving thoughts and feelings at every opportunit­y.


Pleased to read Terry Gillman’s letter in Bulletin 13 Aug re the Criterion Hotel. This grand old building needs to be saved, once these examples of our 20th century architectu­re are demolished they are gone for good. Let’s be proud of our past and look after these icons. Unfortunat­ely we need people in (so called) high places to put their hand up and help the cause. Thank you Terry for keeping this important issue up front. JOHN 4820 kw sargent, house and car secured doesn’t stop smashed windows and doors. Would you like to be woken with a knife across your throat and a piece of scum demanding your money and car keys? Not me.


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