Townsville Bulletin

Bad call on crime chaos will come back to bite


I RECENTLY received a political phone call from a smooth-talking arrogant dude claiming to represent my MP for Mundingbur­ra, Coralee O’rourke.

This call was not random – he asked for me by name. This seems strange, given my history of previous letters to this newspaper, criticisin­g the hapless Thuringowa MP Aaron Harper. His timing was far from perfect, given it is not wise to disturb a sleep-deprived shift worker about to jump into bed. I definitely was not at my best in arguing the state government’s woeful policies on juvenile crime. But this gentleman let the cat out of the bag in our heated exchange, when he advised me, “locking up juvenile criminals does not work”.

This shows all the recent words coming out of O’rourke, Harper and Stewart claiming they are doing something about our crime problem is just propaganda to appease voters coming into the election. It is a physical impossibil­ity for a juvenile criminal to break into a house, steal a car, and destroy same while incarcerat­ed in a detention centre.

If this government is returned, sadly Townsville faces 4 more years of crime chaos. This government cares more for the welfare of the criminal, then victims of crime. The only answer is for a change of government, and … voting out our three current MPS. This will send a clear message to all government­s, irrespecti­ve whichever party is in office, treat the people of Townsville as fools, take our vote for granted, and you will pay a price on election day. BARRY DAVIES,


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