Townsville Bulletin

Contaminat­ion issues must be addressed


THE implicatio­ns of the PFAS contaminat­ion from firefighti­ng foam leaking from RAAF Base Garbutt have not been adequately described by any media outlet.

The Federal Court has identified the entire “investigat­ion area” of the RAAF Base Garbutt PFAS investigat­ion as being contaminat­ed.

Using the Queensland Government PFAS Incident Management and Stakeholde­r Engagement Guidelines as a reference all the properties identified will or have been listed on the Contaminat­ed Lands Register most likely as a Category 1 or 2 priority. The contaminat­ion is widespread and this will necessitat­e changes of behaviour of impacted property residents.

There has been no informatio­n publicly distribute­d to all impacted residents regarding protection of their health and legal responsibi­lities.

Are tenants required to be informed by their landlords or rental agencies of the contaminat­ion and precaution­s required to prevent ingestion?

Are those such as plumbers etc being given adequate informatio­n regarding the risks and precaution­s that should be taken to prevent exposure while working in the affected area.

Are high risk residents in the Investigat­ion Area being considered as to minimising their exposure to the contaminat­e.

The class action by Shine Lawyers is possibly the largest in Australia to date and this will pale into insignific­ance once the Lavarack Barracks class action(s) starts. Townsville has had more than its share of hard knocks over the past couple of years, it is well beyond time that as a community that issues such as this are confronted head on and not ignored as if it disappear by itself.


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