Townsville Bulletin

Our crime problem the fault of weak policies


SO how did Townsville’s crime problem escalate from our houses being broken into and our cars stolen, to New York-style daylight violent muggings of mothers in our suburban shopping centres.

This has not happened overnight, it has taken five years of Labor’s pathetical­ly weak and dysfunctio­nal policies of caring only for the welfare of the juvenile criminals at the expense of the vast majority of law-abiding citizens who are victims of crime.

The Townsville Bulletin October 20, page 2, ran the terribly sad story of the mugging of an innocent mum at Kmart Aitkenvale.

Turn over to page 4 and there is a beaming Scott Stewart handing out “how to vote” cards asking for your vote, and the continued slide down the criminal chaos ladder.

This crime chaos can only be reversed by putting Labor back in opposition.

Can the people of Townsville afford four more years of the revolving-door policies of Labor?

Who you vote number one for in this election is totally your choice, your business, but if you place Labor and the Greens absolutely last, Labor will lose the three seats in Townsville and more than likely lose government.

The people of Townsville have a one-off chance on October 31 to get us out of this terrible nightmare. Don’t waste the opportunit­y, or we will all regret it for the next four years.

LNP leader Deb Frecklingt­on.

IF we allow the state Liberal National Party to win this election, as usual they will disguise the sacking of public servants and cutting services as a means to cut red tape to make systems more streamline­d and efficient.

It’s the only way they know how to operate; LNP sees it as being cheaper and cost effective to pay you $40 a day on Centrelink payments.

Plus the LNP work out that they have to have a certain percentage unemployed to manage inflation; what’s a few more public servants on Centrelink payments going to do, it could only help.

It’s the same principle behind any new executive coming into a new company.

The first thing he does is sack half workforce, put the rest on casual, threaten the remaining workers with the sack if they don’t work harder for longer for less.

I NOTE Labor advertisem­ents referring to Detour Deb. These comments hardly gel with North Queensland­ers where she has been referred to as Dynamic Deb since releasing some of her policies relating to this part of our great state.

I daresay that when the Bruce Highway has been four-laned tourist operators in the region will be dancing in the street and best of all she has managed to secure federal funding for most of the cost. That’s no detour.

The proposed resurrecti­on of the Bradfield Scheme will see the fertile black soils of our inland plains bearing magnificen­t grain and cotton crops. One doesn't have to ponder long before it is recognised thousands of jobs will follow.

Queensland should not be wallowing in the title of Australia’s highest unemployme­nt state due to Labor’s ineffectiv­e management.

Cairns Harbour is also a beneficiar­y of Deb Frecklingt­on’s insight into North Queensland progress. It has been said that Brisbane is 1500 road kilometres from Townsville but that Townsville is 3000 government kilometres from Brisbane.

October 31 is our chance to move away from lethargy and neglect. Vote for Dynamic Deb and her team.


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