Townsville Bulletin

Thanks to those who helped care for Mum


I’M having a garage sale.

Actually Mum is. I think its where she found me in the first place, and maybe her thought is to try again, see if she can do better!

She often says she wouldn’t swap me for a good one, charming. I’ve actually never had a garage sale, there’s nothing in my garage other than pedigree geckos, a few bats and enough spiders to have spun the world wide web. Certainly none of those things called … hang on … I’ll remember … ah yes, spades and tools!

There’s an old cardboard cutout of me we used for promotions, I could sell it as a scarecrow for farmers I suppose, hang on, more so for Halloween coming up.

And actually there are tools, never been used of course.

Maybe some second hand records, just have to get the name of the radio station off them, a heap of tropical shirts that I was hoping may come back into fashion …. if they ever were in fashion!

Having said that, great to see so many kids out on a Friday night in sensationa­l colourful shirts, looks magic in the city I reckon. Mine have buttons missing and gecko poo stains, obviously too long in the cupboard and often hung up on the floor.

Its Mum’s sale, and wonderful she is, she’s moved into a retirement village and wants it all cleared out.

Mum loved buying bowls, so I’m suggesting if the council needs a spare dam to hold enough of the cities water, she has enough bowls to do it.

Mum loved her garden, well her pot garden on her little deck at the unit, well it certainly was little when Mum had her pots there, hardly any deck left, so many plants David Attenborou­gh called asking her to keep the plants for the future of the planet.

As for the fauna, Queensland Parks and

Wildlife had to come around and take the 22 koalas, six wombats and eight cassowarie­s away. They had to do it quick before National Geographic turned up to photograph the lost Amazonian tribe we found.

Poor mum, she loved her little garden, and would love one where she is, everyone would have to move out of course, but Mum would have her garden.

Fair dinkum she could make a flag pole sprout leaves, she’s amazing.

All I can do until we can actually get her some garden space like others have, is buy her lovely Oriental Lillies, she loves them, and the smell is glorious.

There’s another reason I mentioned Mum. Last week was dedicated to carers, and these incredible people looked after her so well when she was at home.

From all of us sons who are hopeless in many ways, but of course would do anything for their mums’ welfare, carers helped me, and took over the things that I could never do, Thank you. My lovely Greek girl was Mum’s official carer for years.

I thank you Barb. In fact we sons thank you all for being there in time of need.

There are others, those hidden carers who stay home to care for family members with other abilities, or those who are well lived, or sick and lonely, those carers are true angels too.

Happy days!

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