Townsville Bulletin

Time to accept majority are content with failure


THE people have spoken. The election results are in and we, the noisy minority, must accept the decision of the silent majority.

Undoubtedl­y, COVID-19 was one factor in the election and the LNP was never able to counter Labor’s claim of keeping Queensland safe, although the Chief Health Officer has agreed decisions made were not always in the interests of health. While the risk is real and significan­t, the sheer scale was grossly exaggerate­d.

Political analysts suggested several weeks ago that, in times of crisis such as the pandemic, voters are reluctant to change, preferring the devil they know. That’s never more so in highly conservati­ve areas like Townsville where the prospect of any change causes nervousnes­s and uncertaint­y.

So, the noisy minority need to sit back and consider what has happened and accept we have been wrong. The silent majority have declared they are happy with the highest unemployme­nt in Australia and the highest costs of almost everything and are content for the continuati­on of Townsville’s eight year recession.

The region’s agricultur­al future will be placed in greater jeopardy as Labor repays the clueless Greens. This isn’t a new concept, however, it has now been fully mandated by the silent majority.

Places such as Townsville, are accepting of out of control crime where youths will continue placing citizens in danger without fear of consequenc­e. Children living in danger will continue dying because of high-level bureaucrat­ic bungling. This is what the majority wants.

We are happy to go on with most resources being, as admitted by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, poured into the southeast corner of the state. Queensland has the highest debt and even far left institutio­ns like the ABC have conceded it has continued to be the worst financial performing state in the country. Where else in the world would the people give a political party a blank cheque by voting without any known budget?

And the Premier, in less than 24 hours, has already broken the first of many promises, in that she said there would be a budget announced in the week of November 30. She now says they will work hard to have one ready by Christmas. And if they don’t, well that’s OK too.

And finally, the noisy minority must accept that our MLAS, Brisbane’s representa­tives in Townsville, have been handed a mandate to continue doing nothing for their constituen­ts, while claiming unearned accolades for the accomplish­ments of others.

The people have spoken, and the people are always right.


 ?? Picture: NCA NEWSWIRE/DAN PELED ?? Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk gives her victory speech after Labor’s state election win.
Picture: NCA NEWSWIRE/DAN PELED Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk gives her victory speech after Labor’s state election win.

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