Townsville Bulletin



ST Margaret Mary’s College has buried a time capsule at the entrance to the school to preserve history.

The 29kg stainless steel cylinder will be opened in 2045, marking 25 years.

Year 12 students, together with help from staff, have put together the new time capsule after last year unearthing a capsule buried in 1988.

St Margaret Mary’s principal Kathy Park said they had tried to unearth it for their 50th celebratio­n in 2013, but realised it was under a paved walkway.

“The flood in February 2019 resulted in our demolishin­g a badly damaged music building and I asked the builders to please see if they could find the capsule.

“Lo and behold, they did. It was wonderful with keepsakes and mementos from 1988 all ensconced in a PVC tube.

“We knew then that we had to honour the tradition and look to preserve the current community and our life together.”

Mrs Park said the time capsule contained several items from the Year 12 cohort including a senior jersey, articles about pop culture, current affairs, COVID-19 and a sample uniform.

Letters from Year 7 students, the principal and assistant principal were also carefully placed in the capsule, as well as curriculum items including a micro bit and USB, hand sanitiser, Bunsen burner, textbooks, Cowboys items, a lunchbox, a flag, a handball and a coffee cup.

“All of the items have some representa­tion of life in Townsville in 2020,” Mrs Park said.

“We want our memories preserved for posterity.”

Mrs Park hoped future students who opened the time capsule would learn that the college was one of great beauty and significan­ce in Townsville.

“It is my fervent wish that the community continues to be a flourishin­g educationa­l organisati­on for girls, the hallmark and uniqueness of our college,” she said.

“Where young girls, full of dreams, become young women of spirit and purpose who make those dreams come true.”

 ??  ?? St Margaret Mary's College captains Zara Roberts and Katie Alexander help bury the time capsule.
St Margaret Mary's College captains Zara Roberts and Katie Alexander help bury the time capsule.
 ??  ?? College captains Zara Roberts and Katie Alexander help bury the time capsule.
College captains Zara Roberts and Katie Alexander help bury the time capsule.

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