Townsville Bulletin

Stan Walker

- JONATHON MORAN Singer, actor, TV personalit­y

Do you get your five a day?

Most days yes. In that wonderful world of touring, I and others miss so much, I would have my manager put my “five a day” on my rider (plus some treats, of course) so it’s all there in the dressing room – fresh fruit (love bananas), salad plates – so I have no excuse. Of course the band always eat it.

Have you ever dieted?

NEVER. I am a staunch believer that a healthy body is all that matters, whatever shape, size or colour. Food is not the enemy. Sleep or sex?

You obviously haven’t met my girlfriend Ms Lou Tyson!

Any operations? Broken bones?

I am bringing the “sexy” back to life after a major trauma. Facing cancer and being told you have to have your whole stomach removed was daunting but a huge shout out to the team at the Peter Maccallum Cancer Centre for guiding me through what was a major eight hour surgery. I thought perhaps I would never sing again – slowly my voice came back and weirdly it grew to be stronger than pre-surgery.

Your biggest health mistake?

Not prioritisi­ng my mental health. My biggest plea to all young people – especially men – is that when you are feeling mentally lost, confused and alone, reach out. I talk about this in my book – heads and hearts break down just as easily as bones.

What regular vitamins do you take?

After having surgery it’s hard for my body to absorb all vitamins orally so once a month I also have a full pack of all sensationa­l vitamins and minerals injected.

Have you had or considered plastic surgery?

Never, never, never. I’m not against it for other people, it is just not for me. I broke my nose very badly and at every photo shoot, someone will suggest I have cosmetic surgery to correct it. My scars, like my tattoos tell my story.

What health advice would you have given yourself 10 years ago?

To be kind to myself and to not mentally beat myself up. Best health advice: nature, ocean, family, love and find your purpose. What is your absolute blowout meal? Grill’d, it gives you the hit of junk food with the smarts of planet friendly food. Yum.

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 ??  ?? Stan Walker, singer, stars in a new Superdry campaign. Walker’s book, Impossible, is out now.
Stan Walker, singer, stars in a new Superdry campaign. Walker’s book, Impossible, is out now.

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