Townsville Bulletin


- TONY FONTES, Jubilee Pocket.

ECOSYSTEMS need our help. Australian scientists have recently released a sobering report detailing 19 ecosystems across Australia that are collapsing due to the impact of humans and warned urgent action is required to prevent their complete loss.

The groundbrea­king report – the result of work by 38 scientists from 29 universiti­es and government agencies – details the degradatio­n of coral reefs, arid outback deserts, tropical savanna, the waterways of the Murray-darling Basin, mangroves in the Gulf of Carpentari­a, and forests stretching from the far north to Tasmania.

This is news, but not new news. Previous in-depth studies, including the government’s state of the environmen­t report and last year’s review of the national environmen­t laws, have found Australia’s natural heritage is in a perilous and worsening state.

And what doing?

Little to nothing, ignoring its own recommenda­tions and continuing to rebuff calls to increase spending on the environmen­t. The government is part of the problem.

But WE can do something about it. This report is more than just a warning, it is a call to action. Thousands of people across Australia have already taken up the call and are working through a myriad of community groups to address our environmen­tal problems.

But it is not enough. We need everyone. What are you doing?

Wherever you live, there are grassroot conservati­on groups doing good work to support our ecosystems. Much of the work is volunteer but all of it is very rewarding. Join up.

All you need is enthusiasm and a desire to protect nature. In many cases, you will develop new skills through on-the-job training. As well, you will connect with like-minded and very special people.

Well, what are you waiting for? Together, we can show the government how to do its job.

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