Townsville Bulletin



ACROSS: 1 Put up a smokescree­n, 10 Dialogue, 15 Crèche, 16 Wanderlust, 17 Spirited, 19 Layette, 21 Beard, 22 Imprudent, 25 Faultless, 27 Ageless, 29 Biceps, 33 Angry, 34 Unctuous, 36 Apparition, 39 Tot, 41 Servile, 42 Gutter, 43 Hooves, 44 Pass, 45 Realism, 48 Stalactite, 53 Parasol, 57 Ache, 58 Coerce, 59 Raisin, 60 Summary, 62 Duo, 64 Suspicions, 65 Brickbat, 66 Least, 69 Review, 70 Thwarts, 71 Priceless, 76 Interlude, 77 Swamp, 78 Samovar, 83 Diagonal, 84 Undertaker, 85 Astray, 86 Espresso, 87 Vanish into thin air.

DOWN: 2 Unreal, 3 Uncle, 4 Ale, 5 Mown, 6 Kennels, 7 Sherry, 8 Rule, 9 Ensemble, 11 Impede, 12 Laryngitis, 13 Gate, 14 Endures, 18 Presuppose, 20 Tilt, 23 Blunt, 24 Recitals, 26 Arrival, 28 Gastric, 30 Sneeze, 31 Hostel, 32 Make-up, 35 Taunt, 37 Nasal, 38 Plus, 40 Thai, 45 Rears, 46 Adhesive, 47 Myopia, 48 Stronghold, 49 Aped, 50 Acrobat, 51 Trivia, 52 Think, 54 Ague, 55 Aimless, 56 Onrush, 61 Pigeonhole, 63 Patch, 67 Bandanna, 68 Plea, 69 Residue, 72 Ramekin, 73 Delays, 74 Switch, 75 Safari, 79 Often, 80 Damp, 81 Deli, 82 Trio, 85 Ash.


1. The study of language (11)

8. Tropical storm (7)

9. Recently (5)

10. A semi-precious quartz (4)

11. On the way (Fr) (2,5)

12. Furrow (3)

13. Unrestrain­ed (4)

15. Short written record (4)

17. Inform (colloq) (3)

19. Swell with blood or water (7)

20. Strong surge of wind (4)

23. Criminal (5)

24. Knowledgea­ble (7)

25. Accomplish­ment (11)


1. Cosmetic liquid (6)

2. Cold (colloq) (5)

3. On top of (4)

4. Declining phase (6)

5. Uneducated (8)

6. Wood particles (7)

7. Disorder, havoc (6)

12. Reduce staff (8)

14. Royal insignia (7)

16. Attack (3,3)

17. Go back on a deal (6)

18. Provide evidence (6)

21. Bring together (5)

22. Six-sided shape (4)

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