Townsville Bulletin

Lessons in activism

School slammed over ‘anti-cop’ agenda


A FURIOUS Education Minister warned teachers political activism has no place in classrooms after a Sydney primary school displayed studentmad­e posters emblazoned with the words “stop killer cops” and “pigs out of the country”.

One placard of those completed by Year 5 and Year 6 students and displayed in the classroom at the upper North Shore’s Lindfield Learning Village said “white lives matter too much” and “change climate change”. Another Black Lives Matter poster said: “You can’t silence the speechless”.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell on Tuesday ordered a full review into how they came to be displayed in the first place at the recently opened public school.

“These posters should not be displayed in a classroom. Any teacher found to be politicisi­ng a classroom will face disciplina­ry action,” she said.

“Political activism has no place in a school. I have asked the Secretary to initiate a full review into this incident.”

The demonisati­on of the men and women in blue also prompted a fierce backlash by NSW Police Minister David Elliott, who said he will write to Ms Mitchell seeking an apology over why children were being brainwashe­d with anti-police propaganda by taxpayer-funded teachers.

“As Police Minister I am not going to cop it … It is a disgracefu­l act to have any educationa­l institutio­n allow this sort of engagement with its students and to have any students exposed to this sort of attitude,” he said.

“At a time when we’re encouragin­g children to have faith in police to trust them enough to bring forward concerns about sexual assault and consent and illegal drug activity, to have any learning establishm­ent promote this sort of approach to law enforcemen­t, runs the risk of children losing faith in the justice system.”

Lindfield Learning Village is billed as an alternativ­e school which was opened by the Department of Education in 2019 and promised an “innovative educationa­l model”.

NSW Upper House MP Mark Latham described it as a “radical lefty sinkhole of a school” and said the teacher and principal should be fired.

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