Townsville Bulletin

Push for weir plan funds


KAP Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has written to Deputy Prime Minister Michael Mccormack asking that the federal government fund the Stone River weir feasibilit­y study near Ingham.

The proposed project along the Stone River would help transform agricultur­e in the Herbert River district by providing storm water for irrigation, which would help boost crop yields in areas that currently fall in a rain shadow.

The project has so far been snagged on the government’s insistence that the Hinchinbro­ok Shire Council funds its own study, but the federal government’s National Water Grid Authority can override this.

In his letter, Mr Katter says: “I believe that this project would suitably qualify for immediate funding and support from your department.

“The project currently faces funding restraints for a feasibilit­y report.

“The Queensland state government insists that council funds its own study into the proposal, which is an unreasonab­le ask for many of the local government­s in Kennedy who struggle to support their communitie­s with limited resources.”

Along with Hinchinbro­ok MP Nick Dametto, Mr Katter has already toured a potential weir site along Stone River with Mayor Ramon Jayo.

“The state Labor government should ask themselves whether they want agricultur­e to flourish or fail, because its track record over the past few years has been dismal,” Mr Dametto said.

“Two years ago, Bob Katter and I joined Mayor Ramon Jayo to assess a potential weir site that would benefit growers in the driest part of the Stone River catchment.

“The climate is drier and yields are generally lower compared to other parts of the district.

“But if you had one or two weirs along the river that could store water during periods of flooding, growers wouldn’t run into the pumping restrictio­ns they are currently facing.”

Mr Katter said the federal government was serious about funding water projects in the north.

He was confident he could secure the funds through the National Water Grid to progress the weir study.

“The Prime Minister has been very supportive of water projects in the electorate so I’m confident we can get this one across the line,” Mr Katter said.

“It is extremely frustratin­g that they all seem to get bogged in bureaucrac­y.

“If I had my way the bulldozers would be on-site tomorrow.”

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