Townsville Bulletin

Judge’s warning to weed grower


A MAN caught drug-driving twice in seven days has appeared in court for the second time in two weeks on a fresh charge of growing cannabis.

Stephen William Munro (pictured) admitted to a total of four drug-related charges, namely producing cannabis, possessing the dangerous drug, possessing drug utensils and possessing property used in connection with a drug offence when he faced the Ingham Magistrate­s Court on Thursday.

Queensland Police Service prosecutor Anita Page said Ingham Police raided Munro’s home on May 13, finding drugs scattered around the house, including about five grams and at least 40 seeds.

She said the officers found one mediumsize­d cannabis p plant growing in Munro’s garage.

“W h e n q u e s t i o n e d about it he stated he was growing it so he didn’t have to keep buying from the dealer,” he said.

Ms Page said digital scales recovered during the raid were for weighing the cannabis he purchased from dealers “to ensure he wasn’t being ripped off”.

Acting Magistrate Scott Luxton acknowledg­ed the drugs were for personal use but expressed concern that Munro’s criminal behaviour was “escalating”.

The father of four said he was battling a drug addiction when he appeared in court on May 20 and admitted to two drug-driving charges committed on a probationa­ry licence just a week apart.

On the traffic charges, Munro was fined $1350 and banned from driving for nine months. Mr Luxton noted prior drug charges.

“This represents an escalation in terms of prior offending behaviour,” he said.

“You’re getting yourself into a world of hurt if you keep coming back before the court for this type of offence.”

Munro was convicted and fined $1500.

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