Townsville Bulletin

Classy Johnson breaks Cowboys’ hearts


WARRIORS superstar Shaun Johnson celebrated his 100th career win with a stunning golden point field goal to secure a memorable 25-24 win over the devastated Cowboys.

After missing with his previous two attempts Johnson nailed a low 30m kick in the 83rd minute at Redcliffe to prove the saviour Warriors fans had hoped he would be.

Johnson was quiet at stages but when the game was on the line he put his hand up to be the main man.

Three decisive matchwinni­ng plays by Warriors five-eighth Chanel Harris-tavita proved crucial in a game the visitors will wonder how they lost.

Dominant with the ball for most of the clash, the Cowboys made crucial errors at key moments and failed to make the most of a mountain of possession in the opposition quarter.

Harris-tavita set up a try on the cusp of halftime for Josh Curran with a booming 40/20 and then again in the second stanza with a cut-out pass for a Euan Aitken try.

At the death, the everywhere playmaker dived on a kick to secure possession near the line when the Cowboys threatened to snatch victory.

“I love the Warriors,” an emotional Johnson told Fox League after the match.

“The fact that I am over here without my family motivates me more to do the right thing and get wins on the board so we can return home at the end of the year with a smile on our faces.”

Warriors skipper Addin FonuaBlake said Johnson once again proved his matchwinni­ng ways.

“You can’t put an old head on young shoulders. Last year we lost a few games like this and he is just steering the ship and ices that one,” he said.

Cowboys coach Todd Payten said the try on halftime left him with a sick feeling in his stomach, like “a horror show unfolding in slow motion”. “I think we gift wrapped the game and handed it to the Warriors,” he said.

“For large parts of the game we were in control but through our poor discipline … we are sitting there and down on life.”

Cowboys fullback Scott Drinkwater had a rollercoas­ter night in his first game of the season and was in everything from the get-go.

 ?? ?? Cowboys flyer Valentine Holmes makes a break during last night’s clash against the Warriors.
Cowboys flyer Valentine Holmes makes a break during last night’s clash against the Warriors.

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