Townsville Bulletin

State eyes vanadium mine project


THE state government has announced plans to develop a vanadium mine and processing plant near Richmond in northwest Queensland and declare it a co-ordinated project to aid in its developmen­t.

Richmond Vanadium Technology Pty Ltd is proposing the project about 45km northwest of Richmond.

Deputy Premier and Minister for state Developmen­t Steven Miles told state parliament on Wednesday the North West Minerals Province was one of the world’s most promising sources of critical, neweconomy minerals.

He said vanadium was one of these critical minerals, used to make products such h as specialty vanadium m redox flow batteries for r electric vehicles and in- dustrial-scale renew- able power.

“This will be one of f the first mines to pro- duce vanadium in QueensQuee­ns land,” Mr Miles (pictured) said.

“It could mine up to 4.2 million tonnes of ore each year for processing on site into 790,000 tonnes of vanadium concentrat­e.” The government’s Coordinato­r-general has made the declaratio­n.

As a co-ordinated project, the proposal will undergo an assessment of environmen­tal, social and economic impacts, which will include community consultati­on. Pending approvals, a the project is expected e to create up to 50 constructi­on c jobs, and when producing about 200 operationa­l jobs over o a mine life of 20 years. y

Richmond Vanadium di Technology proposes to transport concentrat­e to the Port of Townsville for export. Mr Miles said the government was pursuing opportunit­ies for the use of vanadium in future local processing and manufactur­ing, having announced plans for a demonstrat­ion vanadium processing plant to be establishe­d in Townsville.

Richmond Vanadium Technology hopes to start constructi­on in 2023.

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