Townsville Bulletin

Handyman's guide to quick fixes


When it comes to licensed handyman work - electrical, plumbing or anything to do with the structural integrity of your home, it’s important to leave it to the pros. However, there are a IHZ TXLFN ¿[HV \RX VKRXOG NQRZ how to do yourself to avoid calling a tradesman every time you have a leaking tap. Whether you know \RXUVHOI DURXQG D WRROER[ RU QRW WKHVH KDQG\PDQ ¿[HV ZLOO KDYH \RX taking care of the basics in no time. Fix a loose tile

A loose or broken tile can be unsightly, and worse, still pose a safety hazard.

First, cut the grout around the tile and gently lift the tile out. Clean the area underneath with alcohol, VFUDSLQJ ROG DGKHVLYH R㑅 ZLWK D putty knife. Apply a new coat of tile adhesive to both the back of the tile and the gap before replacing the tile. Gently press the tile down until it’s even with the neighbouri­ng tiles, using a heavy object to keep it ZHLJKHG GRZQ 1H[W JURXW WKH DUHD around your tile and allow the bond and grout to set for at least 24 hours.

Caulk like a pro

If you have a leak around your shower, sink or tub, you might need some new caulking - this is the line of gel or putty where the sink for H[DPSOH PHHWV WKH ZDOO

)LUVW VFUDSH R㑅 WKH ROG FDXONLQJ with a plastic putty knife. Then clean and dry the area well before applying a strip of painters tape above and below where you will be applying your caulk - this ensures clean, straight lines. Load the caulk tube into a caulking gun following all package directions. Cut open the applicatio­n tip and move the caulking gun ever so smoothly along the seam you need to patch while depressing the gun’s trigger gently and evenly at the same time. Once \RX KDYH ¿QLVKHG XVH \RXU ¿QJHU WR VPRRWK RXW WKH OLQH WKHQ SHHO R㑅 WKH painters tape. Let the caulking dry IRU D FRXSOH RI GD\V EHIRUH H[SRVLQJ the area to any moisture.

Fix a leaking tap

More often than not, if your tap at home is dripping or leaking it’s because there is a broken washer.

7XUQ R㑅 WKH ZDWHU VXSSO\ ¿UVW 1H[W XVH D VFUHZGULYH­U WR UHPRYH the decorative parts from the knobs. Then use some lubricant to help unscrew and take out the faucet KDQGOH R㑅 WKH VWHP /RRVHQ WKH packing nut with a spanner and remove the stem. Some stems will just pop out while others will need to EH WZLVWHG R㑅 IURP WKH YDOYH &KHFN where the damage is and replace that part. Re-assemble and test.

Replacing a busted tap washer isn’t all that complicate­d; however, LI \RX UH QRW IHHOLQJ FRQ¿GHQW Deout what you're doing, call a plumber. Clogged drain, no worries There are a few handyman tips to unclogging a drain and depending on the severity of the clog, you have a few options.

First try to clear the drain with D PL[WXUH RI EDNLQJ VRGD YLQHJDU and hot water - yes drain cleaning products are available but they DUH H[WUHPHO\ WR[LF DQG FDQ FDXVH damage to your pipes, so try this ¿UVW $ IHZ JRRG GRVHV RI WKH PL[ should clear any small blockages. If

QRW \RXU QH[W JR WR LV WKH JRRG ROG fashion plunger. Fill your bath or sink with some water, then plunge away, pumping the rubber as much as you can to create the suction. Still having dramas? It’s time to check the P-trap (the curved section of pipe under your sink that seals the drain opening to avoid stinky smells coming into your home). Put a bucket under the pipes and unscrew the P-trap. Empty the water and clear any clogged matter, then put everything back together again.

 ?? ?? If you're not feeling confident about what you're doing, call a plumber.
If you're not feeling confident about what you're doing, call a plumber.

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