Townsville Bulletin

Epoxy flooring: What you need to know


Regarded as one of the most GXUDEOH DQG DWWUDFWLYH ÀRRULQJ RSWLRQV HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ LV JUHDW IRU not only commercial and industrial spaces but increasing­ly residentia­l spaces too.

7KHUH LVQ¶W D ΜRQH VL]H ¿WV DOO¶ VROXWLRQ ZLWK WKLV VW\OH RI ÀRRULQJ LQVWHDG WKHUH DUH D IHZ GL㑅HUHQW types which can be customised to suit your individual needs.


An extremely durable plastic created by mixing resins and KDUGHQHUV HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ LV WKH ÀRRULQJ VROXWLRQ WKDW VWDQGV WKH test of time being chemical, spill and stain resistant. Its versatilit­y extends to its aesthetic appeal as ZHOO ZLWK ¿QLVK RSWLRQV DYDLODEOH LQ D UDQJH RI FRORXUV H㑅HFWV DQG textures.


(SR[\ ÀRRULQJ LV PDGH E\ layering coats of epoxy on top of each other, to create a thick, rigid

ÀRRU (SR[\ FRDWLQJ RQ WKH RWKHU hand is more of a protective coating applied to the top of existing ÀRRULQJ

)XOO HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ LV WKH VWURQJ and ideal choice for residentia­l, commercial and industrial spaces with demanding environmen­ts because it’s a lot tougher and lasts longer.

If you’re unsure, talk to a concrete RU HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ SURIHVVLRQ­DO ZKR can make the right recommenda­tion RQ ZKHWKHU HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ RU coating is right for you.


You don’t have to worry about warping or other forms of water GDPDJH ZLWK HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ because it is entirely waterproof.

Epoxy is also a safe option GXH WR LWV DQWL VOLS EHQH¿WV ZKLFK can avoid unwanted accidents and IDOOV 7KH VXUIDFH DOVR UHÀHFWV OLJKW which increases visibility which can minimise the chance of injury.

The visual versatilit­y is a big draw card with a variety of colours

DQG ¿QLVKHV DYDLODEOH WR EULQJ RXW the best in your space.

([WUHPHO\ GXUDEOH HSR[\ ÀRRULQJ is strong, shock resistant, chemical resistant and heat resistant.

(SR[\ ÀRRULQJ LV DOVR YHU\ HDV\ to maintain because it doesn’t have grout, ridges or seams that can trap dirt and grime over time. You can even include antimicrob­ial additives for extra cleanlines­s and sanitisati­on, making it an ideal option for hospitals, pharmaceut­icals and anywhere where food is present.


Because the process of installing epoxy takes days to process due to achieving the desired thickness and ¿QLVK LW FDQ EH VRPH WLPH EHIRUH your area is accessible again.

The chemical smell while epoxy is drying can be very unpleasant too. These fumes are toxic and long exposure to them can be dangerous, always stay away from the space while it is being installed.


Ensuring you have an expert

DSSO\ DQ HSR[\ ÀRRU LW FDQ ODVW anywhere between 10-20 years. How long really depends on the stresses placed on it. For example, the industry setting whether it has harsh chemicals and heavy machinery or none of the above. In the same vein, how much foot WUD㑆F EHLQJ D FRPPHUFLDO RU UHVLGHQWLD­O VSDFH ZLOO GL㑅HU JUHDWO\ too.

 ?? ?? Great for commercial and industrial spaces.
Great for commercial and industrial spaces.

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