Townsville Bulletin



I was not surprised to read that “Almost 95 per cent of Australian families have had to cut their spending … as the cost of living skyrockets” (TB, 11/10) but I was surprised that the “Australian Parents for Climate Action” had conducted the survey.

Checking their website (https:// cost_of_living_report) for the full report, I was sad for their members that they have incorrectl­y identified the cause of the skyrocketi­ng cost of living as being the solution to it.

They have it completely backwards.

The main cause of the inflation we’re suffering is the rising cost of fuel and electricit­y because all else hinges on the cost of energy.

We have plenty of oil, gas, coal, uranium, and thorium, but government policy is not to mine it.

We could have abundant cheap electricit­y, but government policy is to add more unreliable and expensive renewables.

Those policies are based on the “CO2 causes climate change” hypothesis, which is easily falsified using Planck’s Law, Wien’s Displaceme­nt Law, Kirchhoff’s Law of Thermal Radiation, and the Second Law of Thermodyna­mics.

In failing to understand that the government-corporate alliance has always been wrong about CO2, the Australian

Parents for Climate Action are assisting extremely wealthy companies and individual­s to become wealthier and more capable of controllin­g whole population­s at the expense of Australian families. JENNIFER SHORT,

Edge Hill.


One cannot help noticing the number of fortificat­ions being placed around playing and sporting grounds around the city.

I have seen no published costs associated with the sourcing of the large rocks and the placement of them.

Once again, due to the inept Palaszczuk led government’s inaction on youth crime one could quite easily argue that the monies being spent on fortificat­ions could have been spent on projects that are more beneficial for the community in these hard times. DAVID THOUMINE, Cranbrook.

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