Townsville Bulletin



When will C.A. wake up and sack the so-called ‘Capt Finch’. He’s played about 8 games and has only got an average of about 15 runs, other players have been tossed out for less. He’s the worst Australian “Cricket Capt” ever for “A” grade side. What an embarrassm­ent for “Cricket Australia”. They should all be sacked and take Finch with them. Other players have gone for far less!


Home Hill.

Why bother

I read with disdain the article in TB 1/11 Page 4 the article “Townsville stops for republic debate”. The article reads that the Albanese Government assistant minister for the Republic Mr Thislethwa­ite in speaking at a republic event in Melbourne, stated it was time for Australian­s to decide to be a republic, and that we are no longer a British Nation. One wonders why Mr Thislethwa­ite and the Albanese Labor Government are bothering to tour the country to consider the Australian peoples opinion! When it is abundantly clear he has already made up his mind.

Albanese Labor Government is going to try to ram down our throats their vision of the world, “a

Republic”, “The Voice”, “Repatriati­ng ISIS collaborat­ors’’, the Albanese Labor Government never got a mandate for any of these things, yet that’s not going to stop dictating and forcing them on the Australian­s community. So much for consultati­on and considerat­ion for the opinion of Australian­s’. Apparently, the Labor Assistant Minister is in Townsville to consult, Not with Australian­s but to segregate Australia into the “multicultu­ral community” first with the Indian, Central African Republic

Associatio­n, Islamic Society and the Ukrainian to share their thoughts on the referendum. Are we not an inclusive society? Apparently, Australian­s may / will be Consulted in 2023.

Every AUSTRALIAN should be asking the Assistant Minister if Australia is a multicultu­ral Nation, “why is the opinion sought by segregated peoples of certain background?” and not being held as Australian­s in a consultati­on process. People come to Australia to be Australian and treated as such, not segregated by nationalit­y or religion. How divisive is this Labor Government. The decision should be made by ALL AUSTRALIAN­S. It is time we stand up and be proud of this nation and what it has become and the Australian­s who live in this great country.


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