Townsville Bulletin

Text the Editor


Les Walker states that there are no silver bullets for a quick fix on youth crime. Well Les, if you pass the hat around, I think the community would supply about 10 tonne of them for your impossible “quick fix”. PETE AT DOUGLAS

When is Paul Keating going to realise that he’s yesterday’s PM and not relevant now. M J REYNOLDS MT LOUISA

We are repeatedly advised to always ‘read the fine print’ before agreeing to a propositio­n or signing a document. Yet Prime Minister Albanese, and others, expect us to say Yes to the Referendum for the Voice without knowing all the details. Mr Albanese, be honest and reveal ALL the details. I want to read the fine print before committing my vote. SUPERGIRL, KIRWAN.

Do you know who has made more accurate forecasts for longer than any other living experts? Alex Jones and David Icke. They’ve also been the most demonised and denigrated of all media spokespeop­le – because they specialise in exposing the globalists’ agenda. KEITH, WULG’U Marj Lawrence, it is with great sadness, and yes anger, that I read how you are still pushing to liberalise VAD further in order to murder the vulnerable who have become a “burden”, even ending life too soon. If this IS really about you, Marj, you CAN make the decision to “terminate” without liberal VAD laws, sadly just like my son did, but don’t make it easier for our mentally ill kids to opt out, or family members feel guilty for wanting to live a little longer. Once you cross God’s line in the sand, Marj, society sears its conscience. Never forget the past or we are doomed to repeat it. DM CONDON

I bet the greens and aboriginal people who voted for that reverse racist Lidia Thorpe are very proud of their voting choices M.L. MURDY

30% of Greens voters are being treated for mental health issues. Which is scary because that means 70% are getting around untreated. JADE, A’VALE

The new youth justice laws are

certainly having an impact crime is increasing DAVE T CRANBROOK

To whoever parked across from my driveway, I am disgusted with your respect for our countries. All these loonie left policies has turned a flog like you. Big bad baz from kelso

Who do you think is the biggest polluter in Queensland? It’s a shock to find out that Queensland Government owned corporatio­ns, CS Energy, Stanwell and Cleanco, are now the biggest carbon emitters in Australia, pumping out nearly 30 million tonnes of CO2 last year, or 20% of Queensland’s total emissions. HJL TOWNSVILLE

Great a new observatio­n deck about to open in Brisbane and we still have

single lane stretches on highway 1, disgusting CROCK4817

Good to see the Coalition’s No campaigner­s called out for their deceptive scaremonge­ring about the Voice. It will be an advisory body, it couldn’t veto Anzac Day, end the weekend or make lamb roasts $100. STEVE, GURAMBILBA­RRA

The imbalance between politician­s travel allowances and meagre amount received by those forced to travel for medical treatment proves the general public are considered to be a lower class. JEFF, CONDON.

Send your messages for publicatio­n to 0416 905 531, and make sure to include your name and suburb.

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