Townsville Bulletin - Townsville Weekend

Your stars

- Oscar Cainer


MAR 21 - APR 20

The future is here! Congratula­tions! You’ve got to where you were making your way towards. This is what’s been beckoning you. It’s not what you were expecting? Hmmm... don’t jump to conclusion­s. You are, after all, still in transit. If you don’t particular­ly like how it looks right now, don’t forget that you’re on the way to somewhere else, which you’re going to really like. All great journeys involve occasional turbulent moments (and unlikely stopovers). Since you’re only here for a while, enjoy what this week brings. It looks fun.Live life to the max!



JULY 24 - AUG 23

Weirdly, the sense of uncertaint­y you’re experienci­ng stems from the fact that you’re in a good place. It’s when you’re in a weak position that your defence mechanisms kick in, and you feel driven to take action. Right now, it’s safe to be vulnerable. Your indecisive­ness is superficia­l. In your heart, you know that the most important factors in your world are secure. Later this week, as your ruler, the Sun, enters earthy Taurus, expect your batteries to be recharged. When a new plan emerges, you’ll be more than ready.What’s in the sky? Helpful planetary alignments!


NOV 23 - DEC 21

You know that feeling when you’re running just to stay in the same place? It’s hard work. Yet sometimes, we think that’s what’s needed, but it’s not. We keep piling the pressure on because that’s what we’re used to doing. Watch for that this week. Although there’ll be the usual demands on your time and energy, you’ll sort them more easily than you expect. Which means you’ll be calmer and more relaxed. Well... as long as you’re in the mood to take some time off. If not, if you look for trouble, you can always find it!What does your heart desire and can you achieve it?


APR 21 - MAY 21

Our education teaches us lots of useful skills. Like reading, writing and arithmetic. But, although things have improved, there’s nothing on the curriculum about how to develop our intuition. Or how to build more meaningful connection­s with our fellow humans. Or how to deal with the pressure of 21st century life. No wonder our world is in a mess! We value achievemen­t more than empathy, and money more than love. Still, with the Sun moving into your sign, this week brings opportunit­ies to pursue your highest ideals.Change is possible! Get some valuable help.


AUG 24 - SEP 23

Picture a lake shimmering in the sunshine. When darkness falls its appearance transforms. In a similar way, if a shadow falls over our world, life loses its glow. We start criticisin­g situations we’ve been happy with. We focus on the negatives, and wonder how we got ourselves into complex scenarios. We turn minor flaws into big problems. And we can’t see how to make them right. This week brings opportunit­ies to make positive change. First though, you need to fix the issue that’s bothering you. And you can easily do that.Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions!


DEC 22 - JAN 20

Some people enjoy taking things apart to investigat­e how they work. All is well... until they struggle to put them back together! The same principle can be applied to our relationsh­ips. Some things should be left to their own devices. Deconstruc­ting them makes a mess and causes distress. Now, what about the situation in your world that’s not working as well as you’d like? It needs fixing. But a light touch will be more effective than a dismantlin­g job. With gentleness, you can find a lovely way to get things back on track this week.View your challenges in a new light… and sort them!


MAY 22 - JUNE 22

It’s all very well to say we should ‘walk a mile in someone’s shoes’ before judging them, but what if their shoes don’t fit? None of us ever really know how it feels to be someone else. Which isn’t to say that empathy and sympathy aren’t valuable. The truth, is that even when we’re walking in our own shoes, our experience of ourselves changes according to the terrain we’re dealing with. And the company we keep along the route has an impact too. This week, if you feel positive about you, you’ll feel better about someone else.You’ve got so much to look forward to! Be inspired!


SEP 24 - OCT 23

Sometimes, the only way to get the outcome you want involves going through a difficult process. But that doesn’t mean that good things always involve struggle and strife. Sometimes too, life can be easy. Not everything has to be problemati­c. You’ve been dealing with a lot. So, is that why you deserve the inspiring developmen­t coming your way? Or have you just got lucky? It doesn’t really matter why! This week’s events bring reasons to smile. And if you’re thinking they’ll be followed by trouble... you’re mistaken.I’ve got so much more to tell you. Great news awaits!


JAN 21 - FEB 19

Our dreamworld is a mystery. Why do we see what we see when we sleep? Will we ever be able to decipher those nightly visions and use them to decode our daily lives? You’re struggling to make sense of something. A fragment of a nocturnal image keeps popping into your mind. Even when you’re wide-awake, it’s as if your unconsciou­s is trying to jog your memory. Good. Trust your instincts this week. As lucky Jupiter moves towards a link with your ruler, if you pay close attention, you’ll love where they lead you.Will the dream you’re chasing come true? Find out!


JUNE 23 - JULY 23

It’s hard to gain a sense of perspectiv­e when you’re caught in a sequence of important events. You’re aware that something big is unfolding - but you’re not sure what it’s all about, never mind what it leads to. But the fact that you don’t understand shouldn’t be making you anxious. And there’s no point trying to convince yourself that you have all the answers. This week, as we move towards the Jupiter/Uranus convergenc­e, the changes you seek will start naturally unfolding, no matter your mindset. So relax... and trust.Nothing is hopeless.


OCT 24 0 NOV 22

It feels great when everything falls into place and things work out perfectly. We feel pleased with the decisions we’ve made and the effort we’ve put in. And when things go awry? We feel bad. What should we have done differentl­y? Yet we need to be cautious about connecting our feelings to these indicators of success (and failure). Often, things that look perfect turn out to be less-than ideal. And often, problems are blessings in disguise. This week brings a developmen­t that might not seem impressive. But it is.


FEB 20 - MAR 20

Despite the fact that, in theory, the truth is always plain to see, we often get hold of the wrong end of the stick. When we want something to be true we find evidence that backs our viewpoint. And we refuse to acknowledg­e anything that brings it into doubt. We act as judge and jury; but we base our decisions on evidence that happens to agree with what we think. And when someone has a strong conviction that opposes ours, tension ensues. With your listening skills, and your tact, you can be a bridge-builder this week.

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Puddifoot’s, and Zonko’s Joke Shop are places in which popular book series?

Which 2012 movie starred Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro?

Ed Kowalczyk and Chris Shinn have both been the lead singer of which band?

The 15th century painting Lady with an Ermine is by which artist?

Which South American country lies directly south of Puerto Rico?

Bella Rosenfeld was the wife of which famous artist, also the subject of many of his paintings?

True or false? Christian Bale won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in The Big Short.

Brainwashe­d was the 12th studio album by which former member of The Beatles?

In the sport called ultimate, what type of item is thrown around the field?

Siltstone is classified as which one of the three major rock types?

Pepi Nana and Colly Wobble are characters from which children’s TV series?

Davao, known as the Durian Capital of the Philippine­s, is situated on which island?

Australian poet, Henry Lawson, wrote a poem titled, Freedom on the … what?

Which golf course hosted the 2024 Players Championsh­ip tournament? Corporal Louis LeBeau is one of the main characters in which classic 1960s-70s TV sitcom?

Which famous person is most commonly credited with the quote,

“If you want your children to be intelligen­t, read them fairy tales”? Mike Pompeo was the United States Secretary of State under which president?

Which African countries start with the letter A?

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