Travel Daily

NZ 2017-23 visitor forecasts


THE New Zealand government released its long-term tourism forecast to 2023 today, predicting a more than 50% increase in visitors to the Land of the Long White Cloud, led by Australia as a “foundation” market.

At TRENZ this morning, Michael Bird, general manager evidence monitoring and governance for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, said New Zealand was expected to achieve “really strong growth across all markets”, with China tipped to expand the most.

Visitor arrivals are estimated to reach 4.9 million by 2023, up 39% from 3.5 million in 2016 - growing at 4.8% per year.

While Australia will have the highest number of visitors, at a predicted 1.8 million people, the biggest spenders will come from China, tipped to spend $4.3b annually by 2023.

Minister Bird said Aussies tended to stay for shorter periods and spent a lot less than other markets, citing VFR traffic which stayed with family and friends.

“We’ve seen an increased proportion of FIT travellers from China,” Bird said, adding they were leading the charge for internatio­nal tourists into regional areas, and to New Zealand’s South Island.

He said the US market was likely to remain strong, fuelled by increased air connectivi­ty, especially on Air New Zealand’s Houston-Auckland route.

India, Indonesia and Singapore are among emerging markets for New Zealand.

“While off a very low base, as we see economic growth in these markets there will be a much bigger middle class emerge.”

To view the seven year report, CLICK HERE.

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