Travel Daily

Airport report slammed


AIRLINE bodies have slammed the Productivi­ty Commission’s Final Report of its Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports and urged the government not to adopt its recommenda­tions.

The report was sent to the government on 21 Jun and made public yesterday, and says that the monitored airports - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth - “have significan­t market power in aeronautic­al services, but they have not systematic­ally exercised their market power to the detriment of the community.

“There is no justificat­ion for significan­t change to the current form of regulation of aeronautic­al services at any of these airports at this time,” it says.

The final report also stated that an airport-specific negotiatea­rbitrate would be detrimenta­l & found that although prices are likely high for jet fuel, “there is no role for new access regulation”.

Airlines for Australia and NZ (A4ANZ) Chair Graeme Samuel said “We note the Final Report is largely unchanged from the draft, despite the raft of submission­s & credible evidence the Productivi­ty Commission received in favour of modest, sensible reform.

“There is a pragmatic, lighthande­d solution on the table: independen­t commercial arbitratio­n to resolve disputes.”

Meanwhile, the Board of Airline Representa­tives of Australia (BARA) said the report “continues to downplay the genuine and legitimate concerns internatio­nal airlines have over the provision and pricing of airport services.

“Internatio­nal airlines ask the Australian Government to take the known problems in airport services seriously; and that commercial arbitratio­n, rather than revamped monitoring, fits with delivering value for money in airport services and supporting efficient aircraft operations,” BARA said in a statement.

To download the final report, CLICK HERE.

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