Travel Daily

GBT gives its assurance


AMERICAN Express Global Business Travel (GBT) has launched Rest Assured Solutions, which will provide a suite of accommodat­ion services.

The product aims to give travel managers confidence they are getting the most of out of their hotel program while offering travellers the best rates, by reducing out-of-policy bookings.

Unveiled this week at the Business Travel Show in London, the platform’s developmen­t stemmed from research undertaken by GBT, which found less than half of Australian business travellers always follow their company policy or business travel guidelines, and that three out of five Australian business travellers feel they can find better rates for accommodat­ion than their company’s corporate travel program.

“Business travellers in the Asia-Pacific region have shown that there is a need for an accommodat­ion booking service which makes following company policy an easier, clearer process,” said GBT Vice President & Regional General Manager APAC Jo Sully.

“Out-of-policy bookings are occurring when travellers are trying to save their company money, or when their policy guidelines aren’t offering them the kind of accommodat­ion they need.

“We’ve developed Rest Assured Solutions as a means to ensure that our travellers are able to access accommodat­ion for the best prices, in the best locations, with the best facilities, without booking out-of-policy.

“Compliant bookings help to create more effective and centralise­d travel programs, so we’re looking forward to seeing Rest Assured Solutions become a part of that.”

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