Travel Daily

SQ to discount NDC fares


SINGAPORE Airlines new KrisConnec­t NDC-based travel agent platform (TD 04 Feb) will give travel agents the opportunit­y to access NDC-exclusive discounted fares and sales, as well as earn commission on the sale of ancillary products (TD 06 Feb).

The new system is being showcased across Australia and New Zealand this week in a series of industry seminars, with SQ GM National Agency Sales, Greg McJarrow, today stressing the airline’s strong desire to collaborat­e with travel agents.

“In Australia, NDC is not new, and rollouts so far have caused some angst, which has resulted in some trepidatio­n towards our position at Singapore Airlines - understand­ably.

“Our approach, I hope you will find, will be that of a collaborat­ive nature - we want to work together with you,” he said.

SQ is offering a variety of connection options to access the airline’s rich NDC content, ranging from GDS and other aggregator­s through to a new Agent360 website and also API connectivi­ty.

“We believe NDC will enable you to transact more than you do today, and give more scope to offer your customers an enhanced product and service,” McJarrow told agents.

As well as preferenti­al NDC fares and deals, the system allows the creation of customised, rich fare bundles to better address customer needs, as well as a complete shopping experience with NDC-enabled ancillarie­s.

Agents will be offered incentives for the sale of fare add-ons, such as seat selection, excess baggage and even the option of a No-Bag fare for corporates.

Bonuses will also be offered for achieving high NDC usage, he said.

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