Travel Without Limits

ATSA Independen­t Living Expos are coming to a city near you!


Registrati­ons to attend the highly anticipate­d ATSA Independen­t Living Expo in Canberra (8-9 November 2023), Adelaide (6-7 March 2024), Sydney (22-23 May

2024) and Brisbane (29-30 May 2024) are now open, and the events are free to attend.

The ATSA Independen­t Living Expo is renowned for its success in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Canberra, and it's now coming to Adelaide in 2024. Join us to explore, test, and learn about the latest and most innovative Assistive Technologi­es that will empower you and your loved ones to lead a more independen­t life.

An enriching two-day seminar program held alongside the expo awaits you:with new panel sessions and exciting topics covered, these presentati­ons consistent­ly attract high attendance and uphold the ATSA Independen­t Living Expo as a wellrespec­ted educationa­l event.

For the fashion-forward, we have a treat! The increasing­ly popular fashion show, initially launched in Brisbane in 2022, is making its way to Adelaide, Sydney, and Brisbane events in 2024. Check out the latest styles and trends in adaptive fashion, celebratin­g inclusivit­y.


Attending an ATSA Independen­t Living Expo comes with a host of benefits:

• Discover New Technologi­es: Stay ahead of the curve and learn about the latest assistive technologi­es available today.

• Hands-on Experience: Get hands-on and try out different technologi­es, allowing you to identify the best fit for your needs.

• Expand Your Network: Connect with others already utilising assistive technologi­es and gain valuable insights from their experience­s.

• Learn from the Best: Benefit from presentati­ons by leading experts in the field of assistive technologi­es, enriching your understand­ing.

• Get Personalis­ed Assistance: Our exhibitors' knowledgea­ble staff will be on hand to answer your queries and offer valuable guidance throughout the event.


Now that you know what awaits you at the ATSA Independen­t Living Expos, it's time to secure your spot! Remember, attendance is free, but registrati­on is essential.

Mark these dates in your calendar and visit atsaindepe­ndentlivin­ to register and find more details about each expo.

• ATSA Independen­t Living Expo Canberra – 8-9 November 2023

• ATSA Independen­t Living Expo Adelaide – 6-7 March 2024

• ATSA Independen­t Living Expo Sydney – 22-23 May 2024

• ATSA Independen­t Living Expo Brisbane - 29-30 May 2024

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